More of Saturday

Apr 24, 2010 01:39

Ok, so just to prove I don't have a one track mind... *coughs* Though I did spend an incredible amount of time getting autographs and photos at that point (well, not as long as everyone else admittedly LOL). I also went to see the panels with Gareth David-Lloyd, Karl Urban and Yuri, and Mary McDonnell (she had Michael Rymer join her and it was ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

evilmaniclaugh April 23 2010, 14:38:32 UTC
You sound like you had a mad, bad and dangerous time. I'm so envious.

XXXXX and ::hugs::


greenstone_j April 23 2010, 21:41:31 UTC
I did!! Thank you!! The only thing that could have made it better was if you were there *big hugs* And I must get around to the next post so you know how mad, bad and dangerous LOL.


kitty_poker1 April 23 2010, 14:43:00 UTC
Gareth!! Was he naughty? We missed him at Hub 4 though Kai and Tom Price did their very best to live down up to his example. *g*

Great photos again! Nice to know the good Kiwi boy wouldn't take any rubbish from the Aussies. LOL!


greenstone_j April 23 2010, 21:55:35 UTC
Gareth was too bad considering (but read on) but very funny.

Oh and Karl told a very old joke to the audience that day (paraphased and Karl told it funnier): A guy went it to the doctors and demanded to be made Irish. Doc replied that it was a very tricky procedure and quarter of his brain would be removed. Guy said to go for it because he was desparate to be Irish. Procedure happened and the guy woke up to the doctor hovering nervously over his bed. "I'm sorry sir, the procedure went badly and we removed 3/4 of your brain." Guy replies opening a Fosters and in an Aussie, "No worries, cobber"

Of course, the MC made sure that he got Karl back the next day by making the VIPs I was sitting with ask him about sheep LMAO


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greenstone_j April 24 2010, 01:43:17 UTC
There was the joke that I put above for Kitty_poker, then there was the 'intelligient conversation at last' type comment when someone introduced themselves as a kiwi and the constantly apologising for using big words. And the suggestion that the Aussies had lost there sense of humour after being beaten at the league (at least I think that was the comment). Just the typical stuff LOL But he was so cute while doing it...


strickens_girl April 25 2010, 18:14:30 UTC
I'm so jealous. Sounds like so much fun. Did you squee loud for me? I just love that man so hard!


greenstone_j April 26 2010, 11:26:21 UTC
He's a really hard man to squee at once you've met him, because he's just such a nice bloke and so down to earth, you just want to take him out for a beer and chuck on a BBQ. But read on (the last post has some more stuff for you! LOL)


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