Title: No better then the rest Authour: Dana Pairing: NaoxIsshi (Kagrra) Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Yaoi, smut, non beta Genre: Smut, yaoi Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit with this.
Yay Kagrra, Smuuut! *hugs you* It's good to see your writing again my dear, I missed it.
“Does everyone in this band get to fuck him?” “More like; when he feels like it he gets one of us to fuck him.” How about I laughed after i read this. Looks like we know who's in charge around those parts,lol.
You rock! I have been wanting to read some Isshi/Kagrra, smut for a while and you delivered. It was hot! Thanks. I hope you write more Kagrra,/Isshi smut.
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I love how you wrote Isshi,such a slut ;> I demand more from you xD More Kagrra smut xD
*jumps with you* He is a slut but somehow he's in charge of all the rest xD He's a demanding uke ;>
“Does everyone in this band get to fuck him?”
“More like; when he feels like it he gets one of us to fuck him.”
How about I laughed after i read this. Looks like we know who's in charge around those parts,lol.
X3 I luv a uke in charge~! People like to take all power from ukes, like all the time... Why? Women are "ukes" and can be very controling in sex! ;)
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