My very first tutorial. Made for
xkyo_chanxThis is made for Adobe Photoshop.
I think I covered all...
And the tutorial will show you how to go from:
To this:
First let’s try one with a picture in full color.
These pics are good to work with:
Wataru -Load the image in your Photoshop (you can use older versions)
-Flatten the image so that it’s the background. To do so go to Layer > Flatten Image.
click for help-In your Layers panel make two duplicates of the background (image). Now you should have three layers with same content.
click for help-Click on the top layer. It should be called “Background copy 2”.
-Go to: Image > Adjustments > Desaturate, or simply press Shift+Ctrl+U to get the same effect.
-Your top layer, the visible one should be black & white now.
-Zoom in so that you can see his eyes and lips clearly.
-Take the eraser (E) and set it’s opacity and flow to 100%
-You are still working with the back & white layer. Take a small hard brush with your eraser and erase his lips.
click for help You will see the background color lips behind it. Do it carefully, take your time, zoom in more if you need.
click for help-Now take the soft brush with your eraser for the eyes. Erase the areas where you want the original color to be seen. Once again take your time. I suggest a small brush.
click for help-It can end there but you might want a more impressive color. Right? If so, click on the middle layer.
click for help-Go to: Image > Adjustments > Variations. Have fun, but not too much if you want it to look natural.
-Good work!
If you have an image that is already black and white, you can use the variations to give them color. Have fun!
Here is an example of what I did while making this tutorial:
Example of how you can use the same effect on other parts of the image, like nails:
Let me know if this was helpful, or if you have any question! X3