Isn't that ad just begging to make someone mention the stars' inflated salaries? I mean, something like, 'the average television star makes more than the average hospital'? Or producers, for that matter. 'the average producer makes more than Ecuador's gross national product'. Do they really want to start making this about money? Wow, that's a stupid move. Really really stupid.
I know, when you think about the billions of dollars that are involved from the producers' standpoint, it's very close to offensive that they'd even go there and accuse the writers to make too much money. (The guy who posted about the original ad then created his own for the producers, which is pretty much the idea you had. :)
But the unfortunate part is that it's the kind of campaign that might be successful because that's the preconception people have, y'know? And unfortunately it always seems easier to pit working class people against each other than get them to fight together against the people who own the whole fucking country and make sure they don't get paid a fair amount for their work. Argh.
I know, it's... just incredibly stupid. Like MOUNTAINS of incredibly stupid. Especially when you're fighting against WRITERS who surely are going to pick up on that sort of stuff. Clearly the AMPTP needs new PR people. How could they let that one slip?
I think it will definitely work for some people. Between the fact that 1) not everybody thinks of the issues surrounding the use of an average, 2) that reinforces the preconceptions most people have that writers make more money than they do so they should stop whining and go back to work and 3) it usually works better to pit workers against each other than ask them to think about all the ways in which the current system is screwing them over. :/ In conclusion: not feeling too optimistic.
Comments 5
But the unfortunate part is that it's the kind of campaign that might be successful because that's the preconception people have, y'know? And unfortunately it always seems easier to pit working class people against each other than get them to fight together against the people who own the whole fucking country and make sure they don't get paid a fair amount for their work. Argh.
Isn't it weird to make that kind of mistake? You can barely pronounce it that way o.O;
Well anyway, that's just a ridiculous campaign. Still, I'm afraid it might work for some people.
I think it will definitely work for some people. Between the fact that 1) not everybody thinks of the issues surrounding the use of an average, 2) that reinforces the preconceptions most people have that writers make more money than they do so they should stop whining and go back to work and 3) it usually works better to pit workers against each other than ask them to think about all the ways in which the current system is screwing them over. :/ In conclusion: not feeling too optimistic.
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