- Living 'til the End FINALLY arrived. And right now the only thing I can say is that I was already disappointed that they'd filmed in Paris and I wasn't even aware, but Sean filmed a freakin' topless scene in the streets here. How did I miss that? Karma, what did I do to you? /mindless fangirl ramble
A bit more about the movie itself )
Comments 14
I find ignorance and...no, ignorance is the right word, like that around college all the time as well, and it's hit-and-miss as to whether I speak up about it. The misses I feel idiotic about, and the times when I do speak up are usually met with either indifference or laughs. Yarrr.
Same here - I love that I have my fellow geek slasher and gender-interested friend with me in those classes because at least I can rant to her a bit. This time though it pissed me off so much I actually went to see the lecturer, whose line of defense was "the studies only looked at mothers because they were made in the 90's". Except he was talking in general statements all the time during the lecture, and whenever he mentioned the mothers it was in the context of differences between social class so that they was NO REASON to make the statements gender-specific.
Uh. Maybe I'm ranting again a bit.
Yeah it's a rare prof who won't immediately go on the uber-defensive if you show any sings of thinking that challenges their perceived authority. I had an English teacher who loved me until I started liking the books he hated, and for reasons he thought weren't good reasons to like books, like how they confronted issues of immigration, race, and gender conflicts.
I liked so many of my classes in the US precisely because the teachers encouraged us to discuss and disagree so much. Here the prof was pretty much indifferent, but it's very unusual for students to talk to the teachers at all, let alone challenge what they say. Tsk.
These deeply-ingrained clichés/stereotypes won't disappear anytime soon... *sigh*
Wow, your photos are gorgeous!
Thanks for the photos!
La prochaine fois on prend du pop corn pour en lancer sur le prof a chaque fois qu'il dit "mother" pour "parents" et équivalent.
LOL. Il a gagné au change le monsieur vu qu'hier c'était des caillous :p :p Cela dit ça rendrait le CM un peu moins ennuyeux ^^
Moui, mais j'ai reflechi et les popcorn au moins, on pourrait les manger entre deux remarques stéreotypées, donc on gagne au change aussi !
Pas faux, je suis pas fan' des cailloux, même au ketchup XD
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