Fic: Prey

Aug 17, 2012 10:14

Title: Prey
Fandom: Glee
Characters (Pairings): Puck, Kurt; (Puck/Kurt)
Genre: Supernatural
Rating: R
Warnings: Sexualized Violence, Blood-play, Character Death, Dub-Con
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 3,983
Summary: Puck goes hunting. He finds Kurt Hummel tucked away in the corner of a dark club, looking very much alone.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.
Author’s ( Read more... )

fic, pairing: puck/kurt, fandom: glee

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Comments 16

pterawaters August 17 2012, 16:04:07 UTC
Oh, that was amazing! I loved it! I loved how as the reader, I switched from thinking Puck was the predator to thinking Kurt was it, somewhere around the time Kurt drew Puck into the alley. Perfectly done!


greenglowsgold October 13 2012, 18:43:03 UTC
(Late late reply sorry)

I'm glad you enjoyed it! This is what happens, apparently, when I watch a full season of True Blood within two weeks.


flowerpotgirl August 18 2012, 11:31:19 UTC
Wow, talk about unexpected, that was so cleverly done.


greenglowsgold October 13 2012, 18:44:28 UTC
(Late late reply sorry)

I'm still kind of baffled that it wasn't super obvious right from the get-go, because I'm bad at writing surprises and things. But yay I'm glad it was unexpected!


ext_719912 August 19 2012, 02:02:35 UTC are sneaky!!! Leading me on. XD

Will there be another chapter? I sure hope so!! This is so cool! :)


greenglowsgold October 13 2012, 18:47:07 UTC
Never say never, but I think it's very unlikely this will get another chapter. I do have the scene of Puck waking up very clear in my head, but nothing after than, and since I don't have solid plans I think it's better left as-is, so you can fill in the blanks yourself. ;)

Thanks for reading!


writer786 August 25 2012, 16:29:24 UTC
I just adore stories that keep me guessing! I credit your genius when I say that I think we all believed Puck to be the predator at first. You're absolutely brilliant with the way you revealed Kurt's true nature and Puck's bewilderment during the turning of tables. The description of the club drew me in and the alley was darkly magical in every way. I love the allure of Vampire!Kurt since it almost translates into HBIC with sexiness, and the fact that he turns Puck unexpectedly like this is very intriguing to say the least. "I think I'm going to keep you," he said, and my heart sort of...tingled in an almost painful way. So great! So easily did Kurt make Puck his prey/slave/companion...What does he plan to do with Puck now? What sort of world does Kurt really live in and how will Puck react? Oh, the questions and possibilities. I would love to read more of course...but even if this is it and you leave us guessing, I thank you for writing this. It was just enough to sate my thirst for Puckurt!


greenglowsgold October 13 2012, 18:52:53 UTC
(Late late reply sorry)

Thank you so much! This was mostly just me having watched too much True Blood lately, but I'm glad it came out okay! Kurt as a take-charge creature of the night IS awfully fun to play with.

Although I have the scene of Puck waking up very clear in my head, I don't have much else, and I think it's better to leave this alone, honestly. Feel free to imagine whatever you want for what happens next!


chamilet September 3 2012, 08:47:39 UTC
Ooooo, nice switch there!


greenglowsgold October 13 2012, 18:54:05 UTC
(Late late reply sorry)

Thanks! :)


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