Aug 19, 2012 17:32

HIATUSI will be going on a temporary hiatus for a bit as I get ready to journey across the country (for a second time this year) beginning next month. Also, my computer's having issues that is keeping me from creating anything at the moment. Not a big loss, I know, but just letting you all know why it might go fairly quiet here. I'll be back next ( Read more... )

!message, fandom: 365

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Comments 6

sofia_gray August 19 2012, 22:24:49 UTC
Hope you'll have a good time, sweetheart! ♥


lavanille August 21 2012, 19:00:55 UTC
Thank you! I'll try and enjoy it (hopefully the heat isn't too horrible while we drive.)


cb_janey August 19 2012, 23:20:23 UTC
Enjoy your trip! (:

As for suugestions: Dianna Agron & not sure if you watch it or not (if you don't, highly recommend it - it's such a great show), but Game of Thrones - I know you would do both justice with some pretty icons ;)


lavanille August 21 2012, 19:02:30 UTC
I've been reading the book so I've had an interest in watching the series all the way up to date. I've got through the first season and started on a batch for theiconquest. And you are too sweet- hopefully I can make something pretty from them (the show is beautiful!) Dianna Agron will be on my list as well. Anything particular?


cb_janey August 23 2012, 02:04:39 UTC
Nope, nothing particular comes to mind - as I said before, anything will do! (:


kateheightmeyer August 25 2012, 17:41:50 UTC
AWWWWWWWWW! I hope you will have a great time, bb! ♥


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