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Comments 17

desigrl August 10 2012, 23:36:22 UTC
You're so clever! I never did consider using the hover bit to put in the details. Bold coloring & text work. And really smooth work with the wizard icons.


lavanille August 15 2012, 14:38:32 UTC
Thank you so much, and yes, the hover thing is so nice (and makes the icon posts clean since I love to go on and on about meaningless icon/inspiration things. Hehe!)


angelamaria August 11 2012, 04:07:56 UTC
Love the text in 19 :)

This is such a pretty post to look at, all the yellows and greens are lovely ♥


lavanille August 15 2012, 15:04:08 UTC
Thank you so much- and I did go a bit green crazy in this post, but Spartacus seems to love the green this time around. Hehe


tiptoetwirl August 11 2012, 07:34:04 UTC
nfdsakjfndslk! The text! #9 and 17 are absolutely stunning and I love, love, love the composition of the entire sidequest set :) Awesome work, as always!


lavanille August 15 2012, 15:05:32 UTC
Thank you!!! You always leave me such wonderful comments- I appreciate that a lot. 17 text took me forever! ElegantDragon was such a nice font and I wanted it to work so much that I think I spent 45 minutes just trying. LOL!


neatmonster August 11 2012, 08:41:47 UTC
These are stunning, great work <3


lavanille August 15 2012, 15:07:50 UTC
Thank you (and I think recently you left me a reply somewhere about The Finder icons and I forgot to say- you are one of the few people that I saw icon the show and I loved loved that set of icons you did- God, I'm going to miss that show.)


neatmonster August 15 2012, 17:43:34 UTC
yeah, me too. it's sad that it got cancelled so soon :/


rocketgirl2 August 11 2012, 20:23:16 UTC
Gorgeous! I love the colors in the first icon! 21 also has beautiful coloring - I love that mix between blue and orange and yellow. 6 and 26 have gorgeous compositions!


lavanille August 15 2012, 15:08:39 UTC
Thank you so much! :) I spent a lot of time on the first icon so reading this comment made me smile so big! ♥


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