Title: The Shape of Things to Come - IX
greeneyespurple Characters: James Norrington, Cutler Beckett
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's note: Part of an ongoing drabble series with
sunsetdawn20 - updated daily!
Previous Chapters (
Fanfiction.... it's fanFICTION )
Comments 6
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed that image, Cinderella is definitely something that will stick with me forever I think.
that may be the first time EVER Cutler made me lol
Thanks for reading :)
Just a bit of FYI:
'Cinderella' is indeed a very old story, told with many variations in different cultures. But according to Wikipedia, the relevant component of the 'crystal slipper' does seem to've been incorporated by PotC's time:
"One of the most popular versions of Cinderella was written by Charles Perrault in 1697. The popularity of his tale was due to his additions to the story including the pumpkin, the fairy-godmother and the introduction of glass slippers."
(And yes, mammals do hunt reptiles- snakes, lizards and small turtles are on the menus of foxes, wildcats, raccoons, and the various weasels.)
Good tense drabble- I'm still fretting for James.
Thank you for reading and the info :)
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