Fic: 12 Months In

Aug 15, 2007 21:11

Title: 12 Months In
Rating: PG
Pairings: Ten/Rose, Baby, Jack, Mickey, Jackie, Shareen
Genre: Fluff like whoa, AU to the max
Disclaimer: They ain't mine
Author's Note: Thank you again for all the awesome feedback. Anyone who friended the fic journal *waves vigorously* Hi!

Summary: No pets on the TARDIS. I mean it, young lady.

under the cut

Dear Sally,

One year! Twelve months have passed us by, and you, little Sally, are walking.

Yep. Took your first steps just the other day, and bumped right into Mummy’s leg, and promptly fell right on your bum. I think you cried more out of outrage than pain, but Mummy’s got bony legs, so I’m not one-hundred percent certain.

Do your old Da a favor and don’t tell Mummy I said that.

So for your birthday we landed at Granny Jackie’s for some tea and cake, and all sorts of people showed up. Uncle Jack, walked in and you pointed to him and said “Ja!” very loudly, which caused that ego I mentioned at 6 months to grow even larger. At this rate, by the time you’re seven, it’ll be the size of a small moon. So stop now, before it’s too late. For your birthday, he got you a book called “Pat the Bunny.” I fear that the fluffyness of this interactive book will encourage you to want an actual bunny.

No pets on the TARDIS. I mean it, young lady.

Auntie Martha showed up and you were very excited to see that she brought you a set of wooden blocks to play with. Of course instead of setting out to build a civilization, you stuck each one in your mouth.

Did I mention how fond of you I am?

Granny Jackie bought out an entire clothing store for you. You now have a very large new wardrobe.

Uncle Mickey, despite being told you’re far too young, and that anatomically incorrect plastic dolls aren’t something your mother and I want you to play with for fear that you’ll 1. choke on a plastic, microscopic shoe, and/or 2. wind up with an eating disorder later in life, bought you a Barbie.

Said Barbie will be used in anatomy lessons later in your life for a demonstration on what people don’t look like.

I know he meant well, and you do adore your Uncle Mickey, but he could have tried a little harder I feel.

I think that might be rude. I’m not sure.

Auntie Shareen got you a little stuffed duck which you’ve refused to let go of. The Teddy of Rassilon may be on his way to being replaced by The Duckie of Omega, which is a bit sad I feel. The Teddy has been with you for twelve whole months, and he’s now being shafted for some two-bit duck.

Mummy and I got you a little toy piano to bang on. You really liked that. Things that make noise seem to hold your attention the most. So enjoy.

I think your favorite part in all of this was the cake, which was made of chocolate ice cream. This was the first time you’ve ever had ice cream, and you seemed to enjoy it. Well, you’re human and female so of course you did. You’re also a Tyler, which means it will most likely become an addiction later in life.

All in all, you handled yourself very well. I know that many people at one time can be overwhelming at best, but you didn’t start to lose it until about an hour before everyone left, which is a new record!

You see, the day you were born, everyone wanted to hold you, and I told everyone that maybe we shouldn’t be passing you around like an airborne disease, but no one listened to me. As a result, ten minutes later you screamed your little head off until they gave you back to mummy and left the room. So you’ve come a long way.

Right now, you’re passed out in the crib Granny Jackie’s set up for you. We’re staying the night here (Rassilon help me). Tomorrow it’s back out on the open vortex for us, though.

Happy birthday, little one. Sleep well.

Your Dad,
The Doctor

fic, fluff, years and months in, doctor who

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