Title: Hidden Thoughts (Part nine)
Rating:PG or PG-13
Paring:Who do u think?
Disclaimer:Do you really think I would be doing this if I owned them?...
Yea me I've got my computer back!!!
Hidden Thoughts (Chapter nine)
Billie looked up to see his step father, Brad staring down at him. Brad kicked Billie in the stomach.
"Come on boy, get up. Fight like the real man your mother thinks you are!" Brad said.
"No Brad. Your drunk. Go home!" Billie said standing up and helping Mike up also.
Brad just stood there for a minute thinking over if he should stay and beat them some more when Billie leaned over and kissed Mike on the cheek.
"If you don't leave we are just going to start making out in front of you." Billie said with a smirk.
Brad quickly turned and ran away.
"Billie why did you do that? He could've killed us." Mike said leaning up against the tree.
"I knew that he wouldn't stay if we were going to do something like that. I knew that he would run away." Billie said leaning over and kissing Mike on the cheek. "I love you baby. Remember when we first kissed here?"
"Yep Billie. I remember..."
Billie was laying on his back looking at the stars, and Mike was looking at Billie.
"What are you looking at me for?" Billie finally asked.
"You look really good under the starlight Billie." Mike replied.
"Your a shit liar!"
"No I'm not. Wait that came out wrong... I'm not lying Billie. You do look good."
"Good enough to kiss?" Billie was just kidding but as drunk as they both were they didn't know the diffrence between kidding or not.
"Maybe. What if I did?"
Billie just shrugged. Mike leaned down and kissed Billie qucikly. He pulled back up and acted like nothing happened. Billie had whide eyes, he sat up and looked at Mike.
They were just 12 then. They both knew they liked eachother though.
"Yep I remember." Mike said pulling Billie into a long kiss.