Title: Boys Don’t Like Girls, Boys Like Cars and Money Author: Me Paring: Young! Billie/Mike maybe some Billie/Adie Disclaimer: Don’t own. Dru does though! Warnings: Cross Dressing…
“Hey hot ladies!” Tre said walking up and slapping Billie on the ass. “Leather does a boy good.” He said grinning. is so my favourite line. *loves* And that picture of adie in the banner, with the hair like that! ughh!*melts* it's so intoxicating!
Comments 10
And that picture of adie in the banner, with the hair like that! ughh!*melts* it's so intoxicating!
I was giggling all the way through! I concur, very original and funny. I am looking foward to reading more of this ^.^
-dies laughing-
I LOVE that part. <3
Tre’s happiness dropped a few notches. “That was low man, low.”
LMFAO!!!!!!! omg. i love this story *rapes it*
please post mooooore!!!
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