Teyla pic-spam!

Dec 18, 2008 18:48

Original challenge fromtielan: If you're a Teyla-fan and have somewhere to store pics, I challenge you to make up your own Teyla picspam and post it to LJ.

Here's my contribution.

To start off we have some pictures where Teyla looks all serene-like.

Her smile's absolutely gorgeous in this picture.

And then we're going to transition into what I'd like to call Teyla's bitchface/weird looks category that I seem to have a lot of photos of.

"BItch, please. You about to get your ass whipped and you don't even know."

"He's sleeping again, isn't he?"

"Ew, what?"

"Someday, I swear to God I'm going to throw you off the top of a building."



Have to get a preggo pic in there somewhere, and the lighting is gorgeous in this one.

Because my shippy heart can't resist. :)

Tell your friends!

picspam, character: teyla emmagen

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