more Blaise.

Jul 19, 2005 11:36

The search for Blaise Part 2 (part 1 here). Now with models who's names I know (or found out in the course of searching anyway).

it's all down to these two, I think (hbp spoliers) )

half blood prince, harry potter, blaise

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Comments 29

ccharlotte July 19 2005, 16:16:47 UTC
They both look amazingly good in suits. But the pinstripes. (In other words, I'm fond of Frank Bell, I just can't manage to say that in any coherent fashion.)


greenapricot July 20 2005, 00:25:31 UTC
Pinsttripes are terribly hard to resist, aren't they.


lunicanca July 19 2005, 16:23:06 UTC
I like TJ's eyes better, I think.

Man, this is hard! :P


greenapricot July 20 2005, 00:27:10 UTC
It is hard! :D

I agree about TJ's eyes. but Frank's hair and chin...


lunicanca July 20 2005, 00:31:17 UTC
You're right, Frank has a better chin. But, still -- I think what's particularly hard for me is that I picture him as very angular, and that's not something you see as often in black people. That's not to say it isn't possible, it's just harder. Plus, trying to fit someone to a mental image is tough to begin with, so...

Man, sometimes JKR gets a little too close to meanness when she messes with us. :P


switchknife July 19 2005, 16:49:48 UTC
Oh, good heavens.

*dies a happy death*

TJ. TJ's got that arrogance to him. The slant of his eyebrows...



greenapricot July 20 2005, 00:30:34 UTC
I am very pleased to provide such services as happy death. ;)

He's definitely got the arrogance going for him, that and the little scar above his left eyebrow.


olukemi July 19 2005, 16:54:53 UTC
TJ!! It's all TJ!! Holy shit. *STARES*


greenapricot July 20 2005, 01:23:40 UTC

I think I'm starting to lean toward him too, but one of the things that has the potential to keep me away is that Frank's clothes are just better over all. Also, hair.

I've got a couple more pics of TJ if you're interested. & the fact that you & Jacq didn't pick the same guy. makes it all the harder.


olukemi July 20 2005, 05:29:06 UTC
Frank's hair and clothes are better, yes. But I can't help but think that he's a little too dark. I mean, with a name like Zabini, he's gotta be mixed and a little lighter. Perhpas like, Southern Sicilian. Merg. I wish there were someway to mix the two...

I'm totally interested. At the very least, I can use his face as a model for this picture.


greenapricot July 20 2005, 14:25:48 UTC
Yes, you're totally right, I was thinking the same thing. With a mother like that he has to be mixed. Mmm, Sicilian. yes. The boy just keeps getting more and more hot and more and more interesting.

Also, I have just realized the TJ is actually from Europe somewhere (or at least that's where the agency that represents him is from) and Frank is from Atlanta. I think that's it. It's got to be TJ. It's a shame there are more Frank pics out there though.

I was gonna send you pics but I realized that I should just give you the site I got them from. I ended up having to screen cap the pics to get them, it wouldn't let me just right-click save. I can't wait to see this picture.


longsunday July 19 2005, 17:22:20 UTC
FRANK BELL YISH. it's all about #3. but i don't know if he's Blaise or just VERY VERY HOT. XD


greenapricot July 20 2005, 01:28:00 UTC
VERY VERY HOT is certainly true. I'm beginning to wonder if he's got enough sneer to be Blaise though. He's a bit aloof but doesn't seem likely to try to strangle you without any warning. this could be a problem.


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