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Comments 5

lunicanca July 15 2005, 22:15:04 UTC
For some reason, I always love your icons. :D

It's also interesting that I have no problem with Jonathan Rhys-Myers as Blaise but cannot reconcile Boyd with the image of Draco I have in my head. It's not even a defined image and yet I still can't picture Boyd as Draco.

He's still astoundingly hot and gorgeous, though. :>

On to more relavent topics, I agree with you about the new canon. I'm excited about HBP, but I'm also really nervous. I don't want certain characters to die, I don't want others to lose their options, I don't want certain things to happen -- but facing this new part of JKR's story, I have no control over whether or not events occur. In fanfiction, I can always just not read a story; it doesn't matter, it isn't necessarily what actually happens in the Harry Potter plot arc. But you never know what JKR will pull next, and I guess I don't trust her to make me happy. XD Obviously, that's not her job, but as a selfish reader, it's what I tend to concern myself with (and why not? I'm reading the book to enjoy it, aren't ( ... )


greenapricot July 16 2005, 01:24:13 UTC
*g* thanks.

I resisted the Boyd as Draco thing for quite a while 'cause he's not my perfect Draco either, I've searched quite a bit for the perfect Draco and Boyd is as close as I've got. Draco's so much harder to pin down than Blaise for some reason.

But pretty boys are perfectly relevant me thinks. ;)

The funny thing for me is the only reason I really have anxiety at all is the possibility of Draco or Blaise disappearing from canon ('cause in general I love tragedy in fiction, torture charaters are my favourite). So really it's fandom that's ruined me, or given me any fear over new books at all. And I'd totaly just keep on writing them both anyway. 'Cause really the Slytherins are so flat in canon it's fandom that's given them depth (and made me fall in love).


lunicanca July 16 2005, 01:43:37 UTC
I agree, he is indeed very hard to pin down.

They are always relavent! :D

Yeah, fandom has definitely made me fall in love with characters I probably wouldn't like otherwise: Snape, for example, and Draco Malfoy, and possibly Lupin to some extent (I obviously liked him, but fandom made me like him more). It gave me faith in characters I hadn't considered before, made me look more critically at the characters JKR tried to pass off as awesome. The Slytherins are indeed too flat in the books (boy, rereading OotP has so very much reinforced that).

I'm glad you'd still write them if they died! XD I would be very sad if you didn't. I am behind in absolutely everyone's work, so I haven't read the new Prague (can't remember if I read the old Prague, actually; but I have a horrible memory for those things anyway), but I plan to (and I know I'll like it when I do, anyway, because I love how you write). Anyway. <33333333333<3


greenapricot July 18 2005, 01:35:33 UTC



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