
Jul 10, 2005 22:29

I would just like to point out to anyone who might possibly be interested in such things that Cillian Murphy plays a character called Jonathan who is a mental patient in On the Edge. Also, that it's a fucking great movie.

That is all.

cillian, movies

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Comments 4

longsunday July 11 2005, 07:26:23 UTC
i'm waiting for his new film... which i can't remember the title for... where he is once again A Bad Guy [seriously. british bad guy syndome is getting old, hollywood] except on a plane. harassing a woman whom he has previously been Mr Charming too. to kill someone.

it says 'BLAISE' all over it, imho. >)


greenapricot July 12 2005, 13:37:30 UTC
It's called Red Eye & his name is Jackson Rippner *snort*. I am waiting for it too, though I got the feeling he was doing the American accent thing in this film. Which is too bad 'cause after watching On the Edge again I remembered just how much more hot he is with the proper accent. & if you haven't seen OtE go rent it now. You will like.

Cillian is starting to become Blaise in my head and this is bad 'cause he's Julian damnit. (or maybe all that really means is that Julian will turn out mad like everyone else. actually that's pretty likely)


longsunday July 12 2005, 13:57:23 UTC
... that name HURTS ME. jesus. but if the accent is lame he is still hot, so i shall live. *G* & i'll rent On the Edge since you INSIST... or, just because he's in it. *is easy*

& i apologise for making Cillian be Blaise, but not too much. *g* i can't help it, he's totally Blaise for me. & a mad Julian is like. TOTALLY DOABLE. :D


greenapricot July 13 2005, 15:26:44 UTC
gah. I know. it hurts me too. I think you will find ze renting quite worth your while. ;)

:P But then, I think everyone turns in to Blaise eventually.


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