and completely by accident, I wrote something

Aug 29, 2004 12:24

longsunday wrote a drabble, and when I went to comment on it this came out.

Wood Smoke - Sirius/Remus, PG, 246 words )

harry potter fic, sirius, fic, sirius/remus, remus

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Comments 20

happyhappy accident ! longsunday August 29 2004, 16:54:08 UTC
the sharpness of blind confidence, the dark cinnamon of unquestioning friendship, and the heady bouquet of desire

! Get a very clear imageidea of young!Sirius from that, this teenage boy like very other teenage boy but somehow. Different. Because it's Remus's POV, you know? [I am inarticulate today, my bad. XD]

Your last paragraph pretty much made me mush. Like, this reasoning with himself, allowing himself to be a boy. Like he has to let himself be. Or something.


Also, I guess 'Wether' should be 'Whether', yes?


:D greenapricot August 29 2004, 19:28:57 UTC
This was so spur of the moment that I didn't even really think about it too much but. Yes. yes! you're totally right, 'cause he's Sirius and Remus and. I can't quite put it to words either, but yeah.

allowing himself to be a boy
*gives you gold star* That's totally what it is. And again, it just sort of came out that way, but so yes. He's got it in his head that he's supposed to be the responsible one (and Dumbledore even agrees) and sometimes he just forgets to have fun. Or feels he can't. Like he feels guilty for being a werewolf and he needs to be extra extra good to make up for it. It's almost as if Sirius and James are having all the fun for him most of the time. Like how you somtimes forget how good something is until you're forced into doing it again.

eep. *fixes* Thanks. Guess that's what happens when I write something so quickly.


Re: :D longsunday August 30 2004, 22:06:26 UTC
Like he feels guilty for being a werewolf and he needs to be extra extra good to make up for it and as if Sirius and James are having all the fun for him

OMG YES. This is how I see their dynamic, if ever I think/write them. And how, if Sirius were to realise he would be ohsoannoyed! But James already knows. Or something.

Eee. I do heart them so. :)


Re: :D greenapricot August 31 2004, 13:08:09 UTC
if Sirius were to realise he would be ohsoannoyed! But James already knows.
And then Sirius would procede to drag Remus off to prove that he needs to have fun for himself and make Remus do something that he deems 'not a good idea' but he does it anyway 'cause, Sirius. And James does seem the more perceptive one (though not as much as Remus and not at all when it comes to Lily. But then Remus is not as perceptive when it comes to Sirius 'cause he's blinded by his Sirius-ness) and. yeah. :D


ccharlotte August 29 2004, 18:39:36 UTC
This is gorgeous. There are all these little bits and pieces that I adore for whatever reason (though I suspect it's the way you manage to describe detail and emotion and senses so beautifully), but these stand out:

all he can smell is Sirius, though the other boy has long since retreated to his own bed and is snoring away, the deep sleep of the contentedly wicked


distills it to bare essentials: the sharpness of blind confidence, the dark cinnamon of unquestioning friendship, and the heady bouquet of desire.


greenapricot August 29 2004, 20:27:14 UTC
*beams and toes floor* Thankyousomuch.


berne August 29 2004, 19:23:46 UTC
Oh, I would kill for your imagery, I really would.

...deep sleep of the contentedly wicked.


*adds to memories*


greenapricot August 29 2004, 20:56:20 UTC
Thanks, love!

*is honored*


frolics August 29 2004, 22:34:24 UTC
You have a wonderful way with words, and I'd tell you all my favorite lines but I doubt you want to see your whole drabble quoted back to you.


greenapricot August 31 2004, 12:48:32 UTC
You too man, you too. And Thanks! and. *grins at you*


olukemi August 30 2004, 15:30:08 UTC
*deep breath. slow release* This makes me content. And makes me feel like Remus. So in love with Msr. Black.


greenapricot August 31 2004, 12:53:42 UTC
You're trying to kill me with that icon aren't you?

Ya know, I'm beginning to think I'm in love with him too (or else it's just the Remus in my head) but every time I write him its all 'you're so annoying but omg! I can't get enough.' and, yeah. :D


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