their world is flat backgrounds and little need to sleep

Apr 04, 2004 20:56

I told myself that I had to post fic of some kind today because it's been and entire month since I've finished anything. And what do you know, it seems that self imposed deadlines do work.

This is part two of Prague. I'm still not really sure where it's going, but I've got slightly more of an idea now than I did before, and there's even dialog. ( Read more... )

harry potter fic, fic, prague!fic, blaise/draco

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Comments 12

ccharlotte April 5 2004, 01:34:21 UTC
There is never anything there, because there is nothing there, and Blaise’s new habit of falling slightly behind when walking and jumping out of doorways, eyes blazing too bright in the dark; catching light that should not be there, as Draco turns, is more than a little disconcerting.

Oh. I love this. This and the coffee shop scene. I want to giggle but somehow that seems wrong because it's dark and deep under the surface amusement.

Brilliant. More. Soon. :D


greenapricot April 5 2004, 23:14:41 UTC
because it's dark and deep under the surface amusement
Yes, yes. It's like a hysterical sort of amusement making jokes just to keep up the facade (and that would be me making the jokes, not them). uh, yeah. XD.

I actually started writing more today. Hopefully it won't take a month to finsh this time. Thanks, dear.


likewinning April 5 2004, 02:33:03 UTC
just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you.

Hee. Nirvana. :-*

The coffee shop scene was lovely and I very nearly giggled at Blaise's disgust at cappucciono.


greenapricot April 5 2004, 23:16:04 UTC
hee. I very nearly giggled while I was writing it. :D Thanks.


longsunday April 5 2004, 08:39:04 UTC
The Draco POV description of Prague, it's sharpness, the light (oh, I have this utter fascination with light, and all of your words just made me dreamy because you're right, that is Prague, you know?): absolutely wonderful. Spoiling the reader, but not at all overdone. Yum.

As for the boys themselves... Christ. Blaise and the coffee, that was fabulous, and “Could you be more cryptic, please. I don’t think I’ve quite reached my cryptic quota for the week.”! Oh, man, I just cracked up.

And the coffee!man and B's “I don’t believe waiting tables is his primary line of work.” Just... I can't even express but at that moment, the whole scene fell into place and I was just there, man.

*adores* This was worth waiting for.


greenapricot April 5 2004, 23:21:31 UTC
Sometimes I think our brains are too similar, 'cause fascination with light, oh so me too (as if you couldn't tell from the fic). And you're right that is Prague, you know? makes me so happy 'cause I wonder how much the description in my head is distorted from what it was actually like, so to know that you see it like that too, wonderful (though I suppose we could be both distorted in the same way ;) ).

the whole scene fell into place and I was just there, man and This was worth waiting for.
eeeee! *is inarticulate fool* *tackleglomp* *adores you and your feedback*


cirquedusangre April 5 2004, 14:40:23 UTC
The brush of his hand against a brightly coloured gallery poster could cut, and he would bleed blood that is far too red into the noonday sun.

I don't know why but I loved that line. Perfect, as usual.


greenapricot April 5 2004, 23:24:25 UTC
It just tickles me that you picked this line 'cause it is one of my favourites. Thanks!


over_the_moon26 April 5 2004, 18:38:58 UTC
I love the dialog, the creeping shadows and espresso, the patronizing half-smile and softsoft light.

The only time of day when he feels right is just before sunset (just before sunrise would probably work too but that would mean getting up far far earlier than anyone on holiday /this is a holiday, right?/ ever should)...

<3 <3 <3


greenapricot April 5 2004, 23:28:16 UTC
Thanks so much, man. :D


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