
Oct 24, 2003 09:56

So, drabble. Not much to say about it really. I'm feeling very unloquacious this morning. OotPish and a bit angsty.

Cloud Fears - Harry, Sirius, PG, 390 words )

harry potter fic, sirius, fic, harry

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Comments 4

starlitefaerie October 24 2003, 07:53:23 UTC
Your icon, rather aptly, has killed me dead. OMG TEH SEHX.

Yes. I love the first paragraph of your fic with an impossible passion.


greenapricot October 24 2003, 09:58:13 UTC
There's really nothing like Johnny with a gun. ;)

impossible passion Eep. Thankyou.Thankyou. *bows*


ceris August 11 2004, 16:00:07 UTC
Shapes of hulking black dogs danced in the strange millisecond shadows

I love this line, and the paragraph it's set in, so os much. Another lovely little story :-)


greenapricot August 19 2004, 15:31:01 UTC
Thanks so much. :D


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