Post OotP drabble...

Jun 26, 2003 12:15

Which means there's spoilers in it.
Mostly just Draco but a hit of H/D, 504 words.

Echoes )

harry potter fic, fic, order of the phoenix, harry/draco, draco

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Comments 16

starlitefaerie June 27 2003, 06:14:29 UTC
Oh. I am so depressed by how little attention JKR shows the Slytherins, how little depth and so this absolutely breaks my heart.


Love your icon, by the way. It also breaks my heart.


greenapricot June 27 2003, 11:18:20 UTC
The poor neglected Slytherins, yeah. My inital reaction after reading OotP was (as far as the Slytherins go and Draco in particular) that I wished she'd developed them more. But then the more I thought about the more I was ok with it 'cause the less attention she pays to them the more we have to play with. And also I think that the whole lack of any real indepth Draco character development is probably the reason why I find it so much easier to write Draco POV than Harry POV. Either that or it's just that he's invaded my brain. heh.

Sorry 'bout all the heart breaking but, it is (OotP I mean). ya know? I just couldn't help it.


Re: starlitefaerie June 28 2003, 10:37:09 UTC
Still, I find it unfair. Poor kids. Nearly everyone gets depth but them. Aja wrote a really great essay on it, did you read it?


starlitefaerie June 29 2003, 14:17:40 UTC
Do you have a link to the essay?

Lovely. I did like the wine glass scene, and you recalled it nicely.



lunicanca June 27 2003, 11:57:53 UTC
<3 <3 <3

I like this- a lot. Fabulous take on how Draco's so affected by the imprisonment of his dad. And actually, as Draco dropped the waterglass in this fic, I thought of the wine glass incident- and then you go to mention it. *loves*

I like how you've put meaning into the dropping of the glasses- it symbolizes loss of control over the situation, I think, and not really understanding or being able to grasp (ooh, pun XD) what's going on.

Again, <3. :D



greenapricot June 27 2003, 16:24:30 UTC
I thought of the wine glass incident
That's where it all started from really. I actually wrote the last line first. I just kept thinking about that glass smashing, there's something about it that's so final, haunting almost. The sort of little thing that won't really matter that much at the time but when you think back on it it just might have changed everything.

it symbolizes loss of control over the situation, I think, and not really understanding or being able to grasp what's going on.
Yeah, Draco's world is falling apart just as much as Harry's. They're much more alike than either of them would like to think.

Thanks so much. :)


bloody2 June 27 2003, 23:18:24 UTC
wine glass?


lunicanca June 27 2003, 23:20:11 UTC
The wine glass incident in OotP. It's on page 713 of the American version of the book. I don't know what page it's on in the British version, but it's during the Charms O.W.L. Harry walks by, Draco throws a 'scathing' look at him, Harry barely glances back, and the wine glass that he's levitating for the O.W.L. falls and shatters on the floor. :)



cyclogenesis July 1 2003, 20:41:37 UTC
*shivers* You give good gen, man. You did something really impressive with the mood, which is that I finished the piece feeling shivery and unsettled and sad without feeling like that was whole point. Very subtle. It left me with that I wish I'd written this sort of feeling, which I don't often feel.

I don't know, man. This is just really really good.


greenapricot July 2 2003, 06:38:43 UTC
thanksthanksthanks *grins and bounces* I go a shiver. heeeee.

I finished the piece feeling shivery and unsettled and sad without feeling like that was whole point.
*twists hands together* Excellent. But really, that is what I was going for, mood wise. I'm so glad you picked up on it. And, unsettled, yeah, that's exactly how Draco's feeling.

It left me with that I wish I'd written this sort of feeling, which I don't often feel.
Really? Well that just rocks, man. I mean, *babbles incoherently* thanksosmuch.


earthquake1906 July 6 2003, 15:05:29 UTC
Just dropping by to say, THANK YOU. THIS IS LOVELY: totally post OotP, totally canon, totally H/D! IT CAN BE DONE.

*dances around fangirlishly*
*adds to Memories*


greenapricot July 7 2003, 10:04:50 UTC

I'm glad that you thought it fit so well with canon, and yeah, long live post OotP H/D.

*adds to Memories*
eeeeeee! Really you think it's that good?

*is flattered and doesn't know what to say*
*dance with you*


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