just add water, stir in lime

Aug 12, 2008 13:38

I am back home safe and sound. It was nice to sleep in my own bed last night and wake up to a 11 lb cat half sleeping on me instead of a 110 lb dog (not that I don't love that dog, but still). Not being at high altitude has made me amazingly more awake than I have been for days and the humidity is making my skin happy. I didn't realize how well I ( Read more... )

captain jack harkness, btvs, buffy, torchwood, road trip, ...the universe and everything, recs, spike

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Comments 33

turnonmyheels August 12 2008, 18:06:48 UTC
Spike is in After The Fall, and in a couple other Angel comics I've read. He's never as good as he was on Buffy though. I miss him there. I've heard amazing things about Mad Men, but I have no idea if it's out on DVD or not. I've been thinking about torrenting it.



greenapricot August 12 2008, 18:15:35 UTC
He's not as good as he was on Buffy, it's true, but I really do love it when he gives Angel shit. And and this point I'll take any little bit more of him I can get. I think I will have to check those out when my free Amazon money shows up. I'm really hoping he shows up in Buffy season 8 soon. I've heard rumors that he may.

Ah, I remember someone somewhere saying Mad Men was good and S1 seems to be on DVD. *adds to queue*



turnonmyheels August 13 2008, 12:24:39 UTC
Buffy season 8 lost me with Mecha!Dawn and while I laughed out loud at Xander visiting Dracula to "heal" I lost interest. Stupid writers!


greenapricot August 13 2008, 14:18:21 UTC
I think it's cracktastically excellent. But then I had had people tell me that it was very weird so I went into it expecting strange and enjoyed it when I got it. I don't think I've got to the Dracula bit yet though, I've only been buying the trades.


catling42 August 12 2008, 18:21:34 UTC
Mm, being back in your own bed is always nice, no matter how lovely the adventure.

oh, T. that is very amusing. y'know, I always liked to think that door was to an alternate world or something. it's going to be weird to see it actually leading somewhere :p


greenapricot August 12 2008, 18:27:18 UTC
Also my couch is quite nice (and the cat who is currently sitting next to me).

Rift in space and time mayhaps? I kinda always wanted one of those. It is slightly weird but the awesomeness far outweighs any strangeness brought on by the change.


gaski August 12 2008, 19:21:36 UTC
Oh, I want to come to your place sometime that isn't February, and sit on your deck (and stare at the porcupine, which, uh, I always thought that was just another word for hedgehogs. shows how much I know! Also shows how much wildlife we have:>) and enjoy the world with you:>


greenapricot August 12 2008, 21:13:10 UTC
You should, you should. There's a built in bench to sit on and everything. And at some point it will stop raining so it can actually be sat on.


elisi August 12 2008, 22:06:12 UTC
You pimped me! Squee! And it WILL be finished, don't worry. (It'll just take a while...)

As for Spike comics, then I can whole-heartedly recommend 'Spike: Asylum' and 'Spike: Shadow Puppets' by Brian Lynch and Franco Urru. The stories are brilliant (on par with the best fic), and the art-work is great (IMHO anyway). The stories fit into S5 very nicely indeed!


greenapricot August 13 2008, 04:02:51 UTC
I had to share the love. :)

Awesome, I'm totally adding those to my amazon with list.


elisi August 13 2008, 07:43:54 UTC
I also meant to say THANK YOU! (I shouldn't post comments at 11pm, I inevitably get stuff wrong.)

Re. other Immortal!Jack fics, then I see someone's already rec'd lafemmedarla (not that I've managed to get round to her stuff yet, but we've bonded in crossover love), and I've only come across one other fic. It was fun, but very short (and the timeline was wrong/pedantic fan), but I could try to dig it up if you like?

Re comics, then I'm also very fond of 'Angel: After the Fall' - it's the same writer/artist team as the Spike comics I rec'd, so if you like those you might want to try ATF as well. :)

ETA: 'season 8' is fun, but so AU (both in terms of the 'verse and characterisation) that I can only cope with it if I think of it as glorified crack!fic. The story's good though.


greenapricot August 13 2008, 13:59:20 UTC
It's cool. If figured it was implied with the squee and all. ;)

If you've got a link I'd totally be into checking out the other fic even if the timeline is off. I'm willing to let that go for some more Immortal!Jack.

I actually haven't finished watching all of Angel yet though I do know how it ends (I'm a late bloomer) but I totally plan on picking those up once I do. I really enjoyed S8 including the cractasticness of it, possibly even because of the cracktasticness of it.


untitleddemo August 12 2008, 22:06:39 UTC
I am glad you're back home safe! I mean. I'm not glad your fun vacation has ended but I am glad that you're safe. <3

I have the new Angel series but I haven't read it yet. The older Spike comics are okay. There were a few that I actually liked but I don't remember the names offhand. They had Drusilla in them. And I probably only liked them at the time because, well, Spike.

Have you watched Dead Like Me? If not, you should give that one a try! It's one of my favorites.


greenapricot August 13 2008, 04:10:14 UTC
It is kind of nice to be home. :)

I'm pretty much at the I like it if it has Spike in it stage myself and I found a couple things on amazon that some random person says are the best Spike comics so we shall see. I bought them with a gift certificate so if they suck they were free anyway.

I've watched it some and then I got distracted. I didn't super love it but it was amusing, I should probably give it another try.


untitleddemo August 13 2008, 05:09:19 UTC
I am selling off all of my Buffy comics right now but I can't say for sure that you would dig on any of them and I *have* to get money for them because of my financial situation and honestly it would make me feel really gross to charge you for anything ever. SO. What I am saying is, maybe you would love the entire series or maybe it would make you ill. I JUST DON'T KNOW.

LOL! Too bad I tossed out my Spike standee a few months back because otherwise I could have sent it to you and served T a real treat! :P


greenapricot August 13 2008, 05:17:34 UTC
I saw that but all those single issues just seems way too overwhelming to me. Do you have trades though? I would totally be into buying trades off you. I don't know if I'll like it either but I'm totally willing to try and see.

Haha. I'm sure T would LOVE that. Spike is his favorite Buffy character, though. When I was marathoning and he'd be playing WoW on the other side of the room he'd come over to watch when Spike was being snarky.


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