My (Eastern) European vacation 2008, part 4 of 4

May 29, 2008 10:55

I managed to post the last of my pictures before I go away again next week. \o/ And speaking of going away, there's nothing like imminent vacation to make work all crazy-like. Also, I seem to be experiencing allergies which is a new thing for me. I blame it on the fact that it's been a really dry spring so there hasn't been a lot of rain to knock ( Read more... )

austria, europe, what i did with my camera, travel, vienna

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Comments 11

tilney May 29 2008, 15:11:26 UTC
Vienna for the old Europe win. I'm very happy you liked it so much. The charme! The loveliness!


greenapricot May 29 2008, 15:24:34 UTC
Vienna for the EVERYTHING win! I really couldn't love it more.


vinylroad May 29 2008, 16:18:48 UTC
*sigh* These photos make me so jealous. I want to go back to Europe.

Thanks so much for posting these :D


greenapricot June 1 2008, 03:10:25 UTC
Scrolling though them again as I went to answer comments makes me want to go back. *dreamy sigh* Thanks for looking. :D


untitleddemo May 29 2008, 16:59:00 UTC
I enjoy these posts so much. So beautiful. The space invaders made me laugh. <3


greenapricot June 1 2008, 03:11:46 UTC
Thank, man. :) The space invaders were so great, they made me happy every time I came across a sticker (which was quite a bit). <333


catling42 May 30 2008, 02:55:24 UTC
look, I'm finally commenting!! (it's hard to comment, though, because I have too many things I wanted to say in the middle and then forgot.)

these are lovely. makes me want to go there. aack, want!


greenapricot June 1 2008, 03:13:52 UTC
You should totally go there. It is GLORIOUS!


catling42 June 1 2008, 03:17:45 UTC
:D I'll put it on my list


turnonmyheels May 30 2008, 19:12:45 UTC
stunning, stunning stunning, photos.

I'm green with envy over your trip!


greenapricot June 1 2008, 03:14:35 UTC
Thanks, man. *beams*


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