My (Eastern) European vacation 2008, part 3 of 4

May 24, 2008 10:45

Just like the first two installments, a whole lot of pictures under the cut. Part 1 | Part 2

Part 3, Olomouc, Czech Republic )

olomouc, europe, czech republic, what i did with my camera, travel

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Comments 8

ex_trolleys May 24 2008, 15:57:58 UTC
Gorgeous shots! Love the architecture and texture of the buildings. Thanks for sharing. :)


greenapricot May 26 2008, 18:24:29 UTC
Thanks! I love it too. I really had a hard time not taking fifteen pictures of every building I walked by.


tilney May 25 2008, 09:38:15 UTC
It looks like the kind of city I'd love. Thanik you for sharing those! The light is beautiful and the whole city looks very familiar in a way.


greenapricot May 26 2008, 18:28:56 UTC
You really should go, it's only about three hours away from you. The light was beautiful. I really think it's one of the most photogenic places I've ever been. It is tiny and I was only there for three days but I took almost as many pictures in Olomouc as I did in Krakow.


berne May 25 2008, 11:22:29 UTC
It looks like such a peaceful town! Gorgeous.


greenapricot May 26 2008, 18:30:00 UTC
It was. So peaceful and so so lovely. Thanks. :)


kiwitayro May 30 2008, 16:53:26 UTC
waaaaa!!!! *splodeyhead from too much awesome architecture*

omg that little door! and the lines of cobblestones in the streets running not-quite-perpendicular to the sidewalk stones... eee!!! and that arched doorway with the intersecting & converging lines.... *dies*

i love it when you go to eastern europe. i love the little heads peeking over the edge of that building. i'm surprised as much of that fantastic gothic architecture survived the revolution. just imagine how your version of reality would be different if THAT is what you grew up seeing every day. O.o

maybe you & T. should come over this weekend and go through the stuff in my barn? i haven't looked at the art stuff. and i should probably get some more bandaids & condoms and Tums. *nods*

also, i have a present for you that i forgot to give you last weekened (?? 2 weekends ago?) when you were over. d'oh!


greenapricot May 31 2008, 15:23:07 UTC
Totally amazing, right? I totally thought of you every time I took a picture of a door or a close up of a building. Someday we will get that travellers club T keeps talking about started and we can stand there together taking pictures of doors and such.

just imagine how your version of reality would be different if THAT is what you grew up seeing every day.
I always think about that took. What would that be like to grow up around all that? Would it just seem totally normal like being constantly surrounded by woods seems normal to me now?

I think we should, yes. Maybe in a couple of hours. I will call you after I eat. Also, maybe we can steal your empty beer bottles to bottle cider in. We started to do that last weekend and then realized just how many bottles you need to bottle 12 gallons of cider. We don't have nearly enough.



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