My (Eastern) European vacation 2008, part 2 of 4

May 06, 2008 10:36

Again, lots and lots of pictures under the cut so not at all dial-up friendly. Part 1 is over here.

Part 2, Krakow )

europe, krakow, what i did with my camera, travel, poland

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Comments 13

turnonmyheels May 6 2008, 15:00:28 UTC
*awesome* pictures


greenapricot May 7 2008, 01:10:23 UTC
Thanks, dude. *g*


tilney May 6 2008, 16:23:05 UTC
Again with the mindfucky! And also lovely, and dreamy, and I am so happy that you enjoyed Poland :). There's so much space in your photos, and the ones from Wieliczka are awesome and I think I've never been to that Jewish cemetery. Must remedy this situation.



greenapricot May 7 2008, 01:19:37 UTC
Mindfuckyness at you service. :) There was a lot of space in Krakow I think. Or to me anyway, cities here aren't like that where everything is close and then opens up into a big open space like the rynek. I don't know, I found it kind of fascinating. I have bout a hundred more Wieliczka pics I think. I had to pay for the privelge of taking pictures so I was getting my money's worth. We had to go across a main street and down a side street and under a train bridge to get to the cemetery. It was on the little walk around Kazmirez guide maps that were posted periodically. You should definitely search it out next time you're there. I could probably give you a more specific location if you want if I looked at a map.



ALKOHOLE kiwitayro May 6 2008, 21:39:21 UTC
i love the "alkohole" sign. :)

those stairs in the jewish quarter are fabulous.

and the graveyard... whoa.

and the salt mine!! so cool!!!

some year i'll go over there with you. *nods*


Re: ALKOHOLE greenapricot May 7 2008, 01:25:04 UTC
Ah, the alkoholes. They were everywhere. There was a lot of snickering every time we walked past one. I'm guessing it just means alcohol since they sold liquor and beer but still, amusing.

The graveyard was so indescribably just, yeah. Whoa.

Oh, you should. You should. Someday this whole travellers club thing T keeps talking about starting will actually happen and it will be GLORIOUS.


berne May 7 2008, 14:31:46 UTC
Gah, I love both of these posts. The colours of the buildings in Wrocław are amazing.


greenapricot May 8 2008, 12:52:48 UTC
Thank you! They are great, aren't they? It makes me think it must be rather grey there in the winter though, and they do that to offset it and actually if that is the reason it makes it even cooler to me.


(The comment has been removed)

greenapricot May 8 2008, 12:54:22 UTC
The salt mine was great. I kept turning to T and saying, "700 years. 700 YEARS." It is so amazing to me that they could be mining the same place for so long.


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