My (Eastern) European vacation 2008, part 1 of 4

May 04, 2008 12:42

I take a lot of pictures when I'm on vacation, this vacation was no exception, so I'm breaking this up into four parts. It is very much not dial-up friendly behind the cut tag.

Part 1, Berlin and Wroclaw )

germany, europe, what i did with my camera, wroclaw, berlin, travel, poland

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Comments 10

tilney May 4 2008, 20:34:33 UTC
It's always so amazing to see Poland through the eyes of a foreigner, I don't know why. I guess the mere fact I was in Wrocław two days ago and now I see your photos is a bit mind-fucky :). But they are lovely! You know more about Wrocław than I do! That building you were fascianted by is a mill, btw. :))


greenapricot May 6 2008, 02:47:48 UTC
I'm happy to provide mind-fucky photos of you country at any time. I suggest you go to Krakow in the next couple of days to get the full effect. :) It must be full-on spring there now which I imagine makes it even lovelier than it was when we were there.

Thank you!

I do, really? I feel like I don't know very much but maybe that's just because I don't know the language except for the random food words I can pick out.

A mill, that makes sense. So does that mean that Mlyn (I wish I knew how to make that letter properly it bugs me that I'm always spelling things wrong) means mill?


tilney May 6 2008, 16:35:09 UTC

I think it's because for some reason I always read the guidebooks everywhere else, but not in Poland. So, like, I know all the names of everything on Bornholm, but not in Wrocław. How idiotic.

Yes! Młyn means mill. This one is named after some lucky Maria :).


greenapricot May 7 2008, 01:29:44 UTC
Boston is like that for me. It's the closest city to me and I know my way around it and where to eat and what not but I don't really know the sights 'cause they're just there, you know. Maybe I should like walk the freedom trail (a marked walk that follows the path of something to do with the American revolution) or something.

Excellent, I have learned another Polish word. And that's almost like a free word even. :)


vinylroad May 5 2008, 07:50:22 UTC
These photos are so gorgeous! I'm jealous. *sigh*


greenapricot May 6 2008, 02:48:56 UTC
Thanks! Going through them to make the post just makes me want to travel again right now. *g*


untitleddemo May 5 2008, 15:34:33 UTC
Pretty photos! I love the architecture and colors so much. I imagine it would be lovely to live surrounded by that.

You guys got Absinthe! I've always wanted to try. I've had some of the fake Absinthe in Canada but never the real stuff.

The gnome sculptures are awesome!

Thanks for posting these, I really enjoyed them. Looking forward to your next batch!


greenapricot May 6 2008, 02:55:35 UTC
I love it too. So, so much. One of the things that makes me want to live in Europe is the possibility of being surrounded by architecture like that all the time.

It was fun, it was one of the themes of our trip and it's kind of odd tasting but I like it (once we figured out what the proper water to Absinthe ratio was, anyway. 'cause before we did. woo). I would keep a bottle around if we could get it here.

They were so cute and I bet there were others I didn't find.

I'm really happy you're enjoying them 'cause mostly I'm just doing this so I remember and can kind of talk to myself about the pictures, you know, so it's nice to have others following along.



aweosme!i love kiwitayro May 6 2008, 21:31:02 UTC
i love love love the town hall & the gargoyles!!!
and the gnomes! so cute!

and omg, those sunset pics! gorgeous!

this is for you:

... )


Re: aweosme!i love greenapricot May 7 2008, 01:32:54 UTC
The gargoyles were so cool, and I especially love the dragon head downspouts.

There are a lot more of those sunset pictures. I could not make myself walk away until the sun was actually gone and it kept changing. :D

Gay Snape is awesome! And Slytherin colored too! hee. I will use my Draco icon to go with gay Snape.


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