yes you were a lovely child

May 28, 2007 20:57

All day I've been weirdly tired for no good reason. It's kind of annoying and makes me unmotivated to get things done (though I did anyway) and that's annoying. I am very much looking forward to Wednesday and the start of a week and a half of not working.

And now, random links and such.

This vid is all kinds of awesome. There's nothing better ( Read more... )

spn links, recs, dean, supernatural, spn novels, comics

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Comments 5

catling42 May 29 2007, 03:29:44 UTC
ooh that's purty.

I'm sad that threadless is having a sale but is out of pretty much everything I want in my size. grr.


greenapricot May 29 2007, 15:15:43 UTC
I have a hard time not just staring at it instead of getting things done.

:( You should sign up for the reprint emails. Two of the shirts I have were out of stock when I first found them but a couple months later they reprinted them.

Also, a thought: You should maybe bring your hair cutting scissors and give me a trim next week.


catling42 May 30 2007, 03:01:46 UTC
I am signed up for reprint emails. I just want the ones I want now when there's a sale!

Ah, I am psychic. They're already on the list. Or I remember there was demand for them last year, or somesuch :) omg 3 days.


berne May 29 2007, 19:25:27 UTC
*stares* His eyelashes ngh. They're out of control.

That video! Such BROTHERS.

I just spent twenty minutes flicking through A Softer World. *loves*

And I really like the green top, the one with the design around the bottom.


greenapricot May 29 2007, 21:30:28 UTC
I KNOW, right?

hee! It makes me want to watch Hell House and Tall Tales back to back. Or, you know, just watch that vid over and over and over.

I can't even remember where I first found ASW, but it really is lovely. Also, has an lj feed, softerworldfeed, which is great 'cause the updates are kind of sporadic.

You can never go wrong with monsters and pie, in my opinion. :)


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