watch the freckles sparkle down the ridge of your nose

Mar 26, 2007 00:00

Still rather enthralled with that Jensen pic from backstage at Jimmy Kimmel. So I made icons, ten of them. Yes all from one pic. I never claimed not to be obsessive.

10 Jensen icons, with tongue )

jensen, spn icons, icons

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Comments 15

catling42 March 26 2007, 03:56:59 UTC
oh god, you iconned it. *hyperventilates from seeing Jensen's tongue 11 times on one page*


greenapricot March 26 2007, 04:00:45 UTC
I couldn't help myself.

Dude there are 10 not 11. Oh, wait you're counting the post icon aren't you. I was gonna give you shit about his tongue effecting your brain function but clearly it's mine that's been effected.


catling42 March 26 2007, 04:05:19 UTC
I was counting the post icon. 11 in such a short space. oh god. it's like looking in one of those mirrors that's reflecting a mirror and it goes on forever and ever and... *really isn't breathing right now*


catling42 March 26 2007, 14:23:14 UTC
Oh god. I keep going back and looking at these and there are so many Jensens my eyes don't know where to go so they keep flitting around the screen from one Jensen to another. It is way too early to be overloading my brain so much.


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greenapricot March 26 2007, 04:02:25 UTC
I've spent far too much time looking at that pic today and just. Yeah. *flails with you*


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greenapricot March 26 2007, 14:39:47 UTC
I try, man. I try. :)


moondropz March 26 2007, 17:32:18 UTC
*Giggles* Tongue overload ;-P Love it! I snagged a bunch and will credit when using-thanks for the giggles!


greenapricot March 26 2007, 19:06:05 UTC
The tongue has amazing powers. :) Thanks!


moondropz March 26 2007, 19:12:50 UTC
Especially Jensen's! I am not poking fun simply because I did a tongue spam on the man awhile back ;-P Heee! So I'm all for Jensen tongue ;-P


impala_princess March 26 2007, 20:15:26 UTC
Le sigh......

I'm snagging fa sho!

You iconned it. Oh, it's loverly.


greenapricot April 5 2007, 13:15:01 UTC
Glad you like them, but I'd appreciate it if you would credit me in your keywords for the icon you're using. Thanks.


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