looking for a place to stay near some friendly star

Jan 10, 2007 11:32

New Friday Night Lights tonight!

Have I mentioned how much I love love loved Nevermind and the Tim and Landry interaction? And that Hotassery is Not Special Dispensation to be an Ass by hackthis is so very perfectly an extension of that? No? Well, I should have ( Read more... )

recs, fnl icons, fnl, icons

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Comments 35

poisontaster January 10 2007, 16:35:00 UTC
Very pretty! Ganked 6 & 24 because I can't resist the hairporn. :D


greenapricot January 10 2007, 16:41:57 UTC
Thanks! Tim's hair and the way it's all in his face it's just. Yummy, is what it is.

Also, hi! You are watching FNL too! Very much yay!


poisontaster January 10 2007, 21:04:59 UTC
Oh, I just love Tim's hair period. It's like Jared's hair; I want to do anatomically impossible things to it.

Hi! *dances you*


greenapricot January 11 2007, 02:03:38 UTC
I must admit I have not always been 100% behind Jared's hair, but now. Very very yes. And then Tim and anatomically impossible things. Yes.



(The comment has been removed)

greenapricot January 10 2007, 18:00:33 UTC
Haha. That good, huh? *big silly grin* Glad you like 'em, baby.

OMGIKNOW! and I thought that making icons might somehow lessen the anticipation but it only made it worse.


moosesal January 10 2007, 16:49:47 UTC
Oh! Oh these are lovely! I am just loving the Tim/Landry combo. I was in heaven last week.


greenapricot January 10 2007, 18:04:17 UTC
Thanks! Oh, I know. Tim/Landry (and Tim, Landry) is making me so happy right now. Here's hoping we get more tonight.


olukemi January 10 2007, 16:52:17 UTC
Riggins. Unf. It's shameful how much I love that boy. Shameful.


greenapricot January 10 2007, 18:06:20 UTC
Dude, tell me about it. Unf is EXACTLY right. I really can barely talk about it I love him so much.


isabel79 January 10 2007, 17:48:06 UTC
Took 29 and 40. Thanks.


greenapricot January 10 2007, 18:08:15 UTC
Thank you.


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