i picture you in the sun

Sep 09, 2006 09:49

Back from the land of squee (aka femmenerd's house). Much fun and insanity was had by all. And much squeeing over many and varied things (okay maybe not all that varied) including:

• The SPN DVD extras, of course. My love for the boys only grows and grows. And grows. The same with my love for Kripke. He's such a fanboy. I love it ( Read more... )

wtf het, jensen, smallville, faith, sam, jared, femmenerd, supernatural, movies

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Comments 33

random_serious September 9 2006, 15:16:21 UTC
The promo pictures are totally freakishly hot, especially the one in daylight outside, and the profile shot of Dean. I love that in the first Dean's shoes are used, not new. But where are Sam's individual shots?

And, as for the rest of the promo shots: am I wrong thinking that they go all out to portray Dean as physical vs. Sam as mental. Dean seems present and coiled, while Sam is aloof, and vague. (Or is my staring of the promos finally caused me brain fever?)

Re: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, it was fabulous, and witty, and funny and had the bonus point of Val Kilmer back in fighting form. Slightly puffy fighting form. (And yes, I am old enough to remember VK as Batman, where my love began. Even if he is Billy the Bitchy No-Friends.)

High Five! CK-as-Lindsey is... squee!!!


greenapricot September 9 2006, 19:44:49 UTC
The best part about those boots is that they are totally Jensen's. He was wearing them at the Teen Choice Awards too. And that's just. YUM.

To me the promo shots are just Jared and Jensen not Sam and Dean at all. The Winchesters just don't dress like that, they've only got limited clothes, but that doesn't an any way make them less hot.


catling42 September 10 2006, 05:31:50 UTC
To me the promo shots are just Jared and Jensen not Sam and Dean at all. The Winchesters just don't dress like that, they've only got limited clothes, but that doesn't an any way make them less hot.

yeah, I second that. they're way too clean and well-dressed to be sam and dean here. but ja and jp are fucking hot, so it's really all quite okay ;)


catling42 September 9 2006, 15:41:56 UTC
oh GOD those PICTURES. *scrolls up and down* *dies* oh man. mm. *incoherent mumbling* what a good way to start my morning... I knew there's a reason I check lj first... means I get to wake up to this, and porn. hee.

right. I was going to say something. uhhh, waht was it?

oh, right. I love that song you're listening to. its like... liquid angst, or something. but in a delicious way.

oh, and *laughs about Sam/Hermione*


greenapricot September 9 2006, 19:49:42 UTC
LJ in the mornimg makes, uh, fangirls incoherent for the rest of the day. :D

Yes, totally. And I woke up with that in my head this morning (which probably has something to do with the fic that I finished just before bed that made me cry like three times).

You should see how taunting femmenerd with that makes her squirm. She doesn't think any boy is good enough for Hermione. But Sam/Willow is hotter anyway which you will know someday when you watch Buffy. Ah, geek love.


catling42 September 10 2006, 00:45:47 UTC
for serious, with the incoherence.
teehee. I totally created another spn-fangirl this morning. *is evil*

heh, someday I will watch buffy and get a lot of things. s'on my list. p'raps it'll even happen sometime soon... but first I have to finish watching firefly (hee, I watched some with my mom...she loves it), and I'm attempting to download dark angel, but it's taking fucking forever.


greenapricot September 10 2006, 02:27:57 UTC
Go, you. :D

Someday, yes. It's a lot to watch which is what took me so long, but it just gets better and better the more you watch it (esp. if you know all kinds of stuff that happens later that makes ther earlier stuff more interesting like I do (which I can fill you in on)).

I can burn you DA. Oh, wait, no I can't 'cause the rip was fucked up. Shit. Uh, yeah. This comment is pointless.

I did find a BT client that's faster than the plain old one though (from someone I met at a friend's wedding no less) http://transmission.m0k.org. All the DA downloads seem to be plagued with suckage though.


berne September 9 2006, 16:34:14 UTC
Those promo shots kill me, especially the soldier!Dean one. I--just--mngh. Black t-shirt + scuffed up boots + stubble + slouched against walls + the first one will spawn a million hooker!Sam and/or Dean fics that I can't say I'll complain about, really.

The extras. THOSE BOYS. Kripke lurves us!

Sam/Jared kissing is guh, yes. I love how his massive paws dwarf the girl's head. I have an unholy amount of love for the Sam/Jess kiss in Pilot.

Smallville S4 makes me snort with laughter. Thank God SPN pulled Jensen out of committing for Season 5! (And I haven't seen any of the other series either. Does that make us stalker fangirls? I think it makes us stalker fangirls.)

Watched Faith today, too. *is so full of love*


greenapricot September 9 2006, 19:56:25 UTC
I would like the soldier one better if the coat wasn't so clean and pressed looking. The boys are supposed to be dirty. Or, well, scruffy, or. Yeah, their clothes are old. heh. But, yes, I predict hooker!fic too. And a million more Padackles fics from the extras.

Fandom is so very shiny and nice right now. I love everybody and everything.

I know! The hands. Just the thought of them is swoon inducing. And then think about those hands on Jensen's head. nngh.

I know. So much crack and so little else. we got to the end and we were just like wtf? (It doesn't make us stalker fangirls. Hoo yes. Not that there's anything wrong with that. XD)


olukemi September 9 2006, 16:39:47 UTC
Jensen=prettiest thing that ever prettied. Also, Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is my most favorite movie in a looooooong time. I love everything about it.


greenapricot September 9 2006, 19:58:09 UTC
I know. It's almost too much sometimes. I remember you talking about it a long time ago and I'd always meant to get around to it and now I just wish I'd got to it sooner, 'cause man, it is genius, it is.


olukemi September 9 2006, 20:14:56 UTC
It's brilliant. *nod* And the gag reel's HI-larious. Also also, Perry/Harry=OTP, yo. And it's all but canon. XD

Ps. icon love! XD


greenapricot September 9 2006, 20:18:35 UTC
Perry/Harry=totally canon. That last bit of the gag reel. Working together! Yeah.

Indeed. XD


femmenerd September 9 2006, 17:16:41 UTC
Good morning, baby.

May I point out that you were largely responsible for the Sam/Willow thing? I mean I thought of it too but you went for it, dude.

Also, hee! What do you think of the songs Dean I added to the fanmix?


greenapricot September 9 2006, 20:04:18 UTC
Well, good afternoon, now. :)

You may, I suppose. :P You're going to keep doing that everytime I mention it from now until forever aren't you?

Dean You are a genius. And I was listening to my SPN playlist on the way to the supermarket earlier (where I bought veggie booty and thought of you) and Road to Nowhere is such and Dean song. OMG. They just don't make rock ballads like they used to.


femmenerd September 9 2006, 20:13:34 UTC
I totally am.

And yes, it's fucking perfect and it also works as a generic love song for Dean and Sam AND Faith. Yis. And the Metallica has vague enough lyrics to work. Besides...Metallica calms him down, you know. :P


greenapricot September 9 2006, 20:16:45 UTC
Metallica calms him down, you know.
Oh, I know. Oh, Dean.

The combination of both of those icons together is totally mesmerizing. *stares*


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