got your p.g. woodhouse novels and your telephone

Apr 29, 2006 10:10

Hello, LiveJournal. I'm not dead and I've not gone on vactaion again I've just been really busy and/or preoccupied and in full lurk mode. And sometimes I am so fucking bad at answering email it's not even funny.

Been watching way to much Queer as Folk (I am the only person in the world who's only just made it to season 4 aren't I?) I think I'm ( Read more... )

spn episode babble, jrm, apocific, qaf, icons, recs, supernatural, random

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Comments 8

berne April 29 2006, 15:28:59 UTC
God, SPN slays me. It's just....everything! The brothers, the father-son angst, the Impala, the music... I have so much love for that programme right now.


greenapricot May 1 2006, 20:52:24 UTC
God, I know. That's like my reaction exactly, lots of flailing and 'omgIloveit's.


femmenerd April 30 2006, 01:45:40 UTC
*nearly diez from the hawt*

I haven't decided which ones to take yet, since I'm too hungry but woah!

Hope you don't mind but I linked on my journal.

And ooooooh, the last season of QAF comes out in May. If you can stand waiting, we could watch it together...


greenapricot May 1 2006, 20:56:27 UTC
heh. I am so not going to be able to wait until you get here to watch S5. It's an addiction I tell you. can't. stop. watching. I'm just such a sucker for Brian and his tough guy routine.


femmenerd April 30 2006, 01:46:27 UTC
And I watched Breakfast on Pluto yesterday and thought of you because of the Cillian. :)


greenapricot May 1 2006, 20:57:10 UTC
I like the Cillian makes you think of me. :)


lunicanca April 30 2006, 07:12:40 UTC
I'm only through episode 117 of QAF, haha. I am already so addicted, though. My friend is sending me the episodes through ysi... she is too good to me.


greenapricot May 1 2006, 20:58:03 UTC
Oh man, the addiction only gets worse. Wait til you make it to season 3.


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