after all the dancing and spilling beer all over the place

Nov 29, 2005 10:08

While weeding out the dead fic I found this, which though not terribly polished is indeed finished and it seems to have been sitting in this state for at least a year. The tone of this feels very much like days gone by to me. I think my writing has changed a bit since I wrote it.

The Sound of Silence - Remus/Draco, implied H/D, PG )

harry potter fic, remus/draco, fic, wipamnesty, draco, remus

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Comments 10

ana_grrl November 29 2005, 15:30:35 UTC
I like the feeling of defeat. It's somehow gentle, yet pervasive.


greenapricot November 29 2005, 23:48:26 UTC
Thanks! And that's totally the feeling I get to (& I'm guessing the feeling I was going for when I wrote it, but I can't remember. heh).

& I didn't think you read HP!fic so I'm flattered that you read mine. :)


simmysim November 30 2005, 18:35:19 UTC
I really, really love this.

The pieces of himself that were lost somewhere amongst decisions that should never have had to be made. Why should he miss anything?

That is such a satisfying piece to just read, and best of all, it stinks of canon-ness. Wonderful job. :3


greenapricot December 2 2005, 14:15:06 UTC
yay! Thanks a bunch!

I'm so pleased you think it stinks of canon-ness. XD!


cassandramalfoy December 4 2005, 01:38:18 UTC
I loved reading.


greenapricot December 5 2005, 14:05:24 UTC


flimpy December 4 2005, 02:46:53 UTC
Oh yay! And I thought fandom had run out of Remus/Draco fic, which would be a terrible thing indeed. This pairing works for me because have more in common than they realize and you've captured that wonderfully. I like that your writing style reflects the nature of this pairing -- understated and painted with beautiful muted colors.


greenapricot December 5 2005, 14:13:38 UTC
have more in common than they realize
I totally agree, and I'm very pleased that you see it reflected in this.

Thanks so much. :D


megstuff August 9 2007, 06:15:39 UTC
Oh my goodness! Did I never comment on this before? I loved this story when I first read it, and I think it's even more remarkable now. Though it differs in minor detail (REMUS!!) from JKR's ending, it has the flavor of canon - the sadness, the sense of loss, and still the sense that they carry on.


greenapricot September 11 2007, 19:22:20 UTC
Seems fitting somehow that a comment you thought you made before is one that got lost in the shuffle of my inbox. But, yeah. Thank you so much for all your kind words. :)


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