The Trib's version.
From "nice guy" to this?
Apparently Buhler is getting desperate if he's going to go negative on Becker's environmental record -- or perhaps he's just hoping that people will take it at face value and not look deeper.
from a press release from the Becker campaign:
(Salt Lake City) - Responding to mayoral candidate Dave Buhler
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Comments 8
UPDATE: According to Stuart at Becker's campaign, Buhler made some remarks about Becker's record at a press conference this morning. His campaign was unable to get copies of the literature that the Buhler campaign passed out. I'd like to follow this up with Buhler's campaign, but that might have to wait until Monday.
I didn't know that Becker owned the title to the environment. It's interesting that his camp feels that only he can campaign on the environment and takes great offense to the fact that the opposing candidate actually has an opinion on the matter. No matter how damaging it may be to your delicate sensibilities, the
Buhler campaign is not being negative.
This issue came from a press release. Becker's campaign sends me press releases, Buhler's campaign does not, but they are welcome to.
This isn't a newspaper, I'm not a journalist. I'm a blogger. In addition, some time back I made sure that there's a written caveat on this blog which says that this blog reflects my opinions and should not be seen as representative of anyone I write about. You are perfectly welcome to start your own blog and discuss Buhler's side. I'll post Buhler's side if his campaign sends it to me.
What was ridiculous about environmental criticims towards Becker is that Becker has the better record on green issues, by far. He doesn't own the issue.
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