Well...our school, or more properly, Ms. Lemely ACTUALLY published my PIE poem in this years addition of leaves of light. Its amazing, i never thought it would actually happen!!! Its on page 92! GO! Buy! mwhahahahaha. Apparently some people are trying to egt teachers to read it outloud infront of classes. I figure that i am HOPEFULLY unable to get
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So, quick update. I just ahd the bigest lightningstorm i have experienced in the last 10 years. The lightning was SO close that some of our lightbulbs EXPLODED. And our entire house shook. The lightning and thunder came at the same time, and the thunder went on for about 2 minutes. Than we had a HUGE hail storm, and EVERYHTING is covered in hail.
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So my life has been quite hecktick the past few weeks! >.< I actually feel quite good about them surprisingly, i cant wait to see my results!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha. Yeah, and than the start of the new semester wich is thus
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So, we had a poem reading in english today, and i hadnt prepared anything, but i had a pie, and i was in a mood, so i quickly wrote this in like, 2 minutes:
Pie, thy deliciousness fills my mind
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