Title: The Quest for Happily Ever After
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity, Angel the Series, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Independence Day, The X Files, Chuck, Stargate, or Fulll Metal Jacket
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Characters/Pairings: Crew, Jayne/River, Ma, Mattie, Jayne's ol'friends
Warnings: Spoilers for series and movie. Crack.
Rating: R
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Comments 20
Jayne locked himself in the airlock and tried to kill himself.
Oh Simon, I do love you so!
She just wanted one full night’s sleep without Mal dropping in to discuss his relationship problems with her son.
*gaffaws* I loved this scene so much! It almost hurts how easy it is to envision Mal doing this!
Rex blew a bubble out of his spit.
♥ I love this kid! I bet he grins like Wash!
Angel pinched the bridge of his nose. "That was the brother of the bride."
THIS. My favourtie Angel/firefly Xover ever!
I LOVED the whole scene with Matty and Jayne! I squeed so many times! XD
“So? So! She tried to kill you! Twice!”
Jayne looked ready at this point to melt into a pile of goo.
I always had this guilty pleasure, toying with the idea of Summer Glau in Chuck and being the PERFECT woman for Casey. Crazy ass assassin that she is! and him finding it HAWT. ..my brain might implode if I bring anymore of it up...;P
“There’s no such thing as aliens.”
“Un huh. Can I see them now?”lol, ( ... )
Oh Simon, I do love you so!
I should probably write a nice Simon/Kaylee fic to make up for all the torture I put him through in this fic. But he and his diary are just so adorable.
♥ I love this kid! I bet he grins like Wash!
Yup - he's like a little minute version of Wash, although he has Zoe's eyes. And as he grows up, Mal never stops coming to him for relationship advice. ;)
THIS. My favourtie Angel/firefly Xover ever!
It was one of the first scenes I wrote for this piece.
I always had this guilty pleasure, toying with the idea of Summer Glau in Chuck and being the PERFECT woman for Casey. Crazy ass assassin that she is! and him finding it HAWT. ..my brain might implode if I bring anymore of it up...;P
Me too! Especially this season where Chuck and Sarah keep making fun of his age. I just want him to show them and every one else on Chuck up by getting a super hot girlfriend. Summer Glau would be perfect for the role.
lol, dear Jayne ( ... )
And now I see what you meant about my icon and Jayne's old friends at the wedding!
I couldn't not include Angel and Spike! First, they're hilarious, and then who else would be better for Jayne's old friends then people with ingenious ways to kill him? ;)
Thanks again for reviewing! :)
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