Title: Tis the Season
Fandom: Law & Order (the Mothership)
Disclaimer: Don't own it.
Characters/Pairings: Jack McCoy, Mike/Connie, OC
Rating: G
Summary: Connie's cooking could lead to symptoms of Death.
Dedication: For
metaphore_art. Merry Christmas Jenni!
The Joyful Family I Hold Dear )
Comments 8
Thank you! I LOVE this story. You captured them perfectly, I have no doubt they'll end up totally comfortably in love and yet keeping each other guessing. XDDDDDD
I needed a break from studying, so your present should be up within the hour. Merry Christmas!!!!!!
I'm so glad you liked it! They need to hurry up and become a couple on the show so that we can be bombarded with cuteness every episode from now on. It would be a nice balance what with the murder at the beginning. ;D
EEEE!!! I'm so excited! Merry Christmas!!!!
But THIS. THIS WILL TIDE ME OVER. This will keep me happy and festive. I love this fic. She totally would dump potatoes on him, too, if he deserved it. And he would know he deserved it. And you got him spot-on, too; he's total devil-may-care on the outside, and a tender, sincere swirl of emotional longing for her on the inside.
♥ ♥ ♥
I'm glad you enjoyed it! The two of them are a lot of fun to write once I get going and writing this fic has just further confirmed to me that the two of them would make a great couple.
And I'd be happy to write a prequel - perhaps a one-shot from back when Connie was pregnant and kept eating all the unhealthy food Phoebe loves now?
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