Title: Kiss // Adore //
Pairing: Tegomass
Rating: G
Disclaimer: We all know the story: I don't own anything and won't make any profit out of this.
Summary: What kisses actually mean.
A/N: This Well, this is a little project I came up with. I saw the entry in
tegomass_ai about
what kisses actually mean, and I thought writing a drabble for each meaning every day would just be perfect to distract me a bit. They are all not long, but they will have an development in story and their relationship, so they'll be kind of connected :)
I'll try to post one each day, just like an advent calendar XD
Please keep an eye on this journal, since I won't always be able to put this up in the communities, okay?
Second one ♥
Have fun reading!!
First: Friendship Adore
“I think he’s seriously mad at me.”
“What did you do?”
The room was dark, and Masuda hadn’t dared turn on the light when he had come in. When he had entered the gym earlier, everyone else had been there, except for Tegoshi. He had hidden here in the dark room to not let anyone see his state.
Now, they sat side by side, shoulders slightly touching.
Tegoshi bit his lip and then shrugged a shoulder, as if he wanted to say It really wasn’t that much. But, apparently, it had been. “I put glue between the soles of his boots and when he tried to separate them, one tore off from its sole.”
“Those black boots?”, Masuda wanted to know. “The one’s he just bought last week?”
Tegoshi looked at the ground and nodded, fidgeting the coat he held in his lap. “Exactly those.”
Sighing, the older one leaned back and shook his head; then he cracked a grin, released a laugh. “He must be so mad.”
Tegoshi sniffled a bit. “I don’t want Pi-sama to be mad at me.”
Masuda reached out his hand to take Tegoshi’s and gently comfort him with holding it lightly. “He won’t stay mad at you for too long.”
“It’s just shoes”, Masuda said firmly. “He’s never mad for long, is he?”
Tegoshi pouted. “But this time I seriously broke something.”
“And he’ll get weak and forgive you when he’ll see how much you regret it.”
Tegoshi lifted his head now, looked at Masuda; he could see all features of that face perfectly, even in the dark. “Do you think so?”
If you look like this, no one could ever be mad at you, Masuda thought as he saw Tegoshi’s teary eyes, the worried and sorrowful look in them.
He nodded and lifted Tegoshi’s hand in his to brush a slight kiss to the back of the younger boy’s hand. “He will; he adores you, after all.”
Tegoshi blushed, but didn’t pull away.
Raising his look to Tegoshi’s eyes, Masuda smiled. “We all do.”
Thanks so much for reading ♥