I wish I had a reason.
a. Post a list of 10 fandoms.
b. Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each one.
c. When guessed, bold the line, include the character name, and write a sentence about why you like that character.
This will be stupidly easy.
1. FINAL FANTASY VII -- Aerith Gainsborough-- "Oh no! Whatever shall I do?! ... Isn't that what you want me to say?" I like Aerith because fandom is retarded and thinks she's some peaceful angel, but really she's a flirt who hates her own mystery, struggles with her identity, and dreams only of being normal. --
stereotype_vamp &
theangrystar &
dayfall2. BLEACH -- Ishida Uryuu -- So if you've known me for longer than twenty-four hours, then you know that I have an inexplicable attraction toward men with sticks up their butts. It helps if they have glasses, and it helps if they are hypocrites. Ironically, I have just given away the answer to another fandom huuuurrr. --
skycatcher3. NARUTO -- Sabaku no Gaara-- HE TRIED TO CUT HIMSELF BUT THE SAND GOT IN THE WAY. This is actually one of this cases where I'm not sure why I originally liked the character best, or why I continue to - I like red hair? I like his dysfunction, I don't know, he's bad-ass and damaged and stoic and a nerd and socially retarded but gets shit done. --
hello_scorpling &
stereotype_vamp4. TALES OF THE ABYSS -- Natalia Luzu Kimlasca Lanvaldear -- Having not yet finished the game, I can say that I loved her first because I was bizarrely hot for her character design. Then she was everything~~ an archer, classy, bossy, devoted, flksdmf omfg.
mouririci5. STAR OCEAN 2 -- Leon D. S. Geeste -- If you've known me for longer than forty-eight hours you know I like kid geniuses. N-Not just any kid genius, but really, it's genius-type characters .. and haa~ he's obnoxious and arrogant but such a kid and his quasi-crush on Precis is hi~lar~i~ous. Plus, a bit socially retarded? ftw. --
skycatcher6. REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA -- Kaoru Miki -- See: genius characters, of any age. I'm terribly fond of his reserved OCD, his dysfunction, his intense regret and guilt and misplaced adoration. OH MIKI. --
skycatcher7. lolHARRY POTTER -- Percy Weasley -- Glasses, red-hair, enormous stick up his butt. Oh, Percy. I love how uptight he is, how hard he tried, how he believed he was doing right, family issues, and ojfnsdks family, his absence of a sense of humor, the fact no one in his family respected him though he tried so hard baawwwww. --
magenta5138. AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER -- Sokka -- I'm just a fangirly girl. Despite the incredible awesome of Toph and Uncle Iroh, despite Zuko's lisp (that I can't hear oops), I LOVE SOKKA. He is the meat and sarcasm guy. Need I further reason? fmsakfe HE MAKES WONDERFUL FACES and the fact his voice actor pretty much made the role fills me with glee. Mm, strategy. Mm, protective older brother a-and meat and sarcasm and Sokka ♥. --
dragonsquee9. EUREKA SEVEN -- DOMINIC SOREL -- 1/2 because I love someone else, too, but -- baaww he's such a nerd, I love nerds. He's so SHOUT SHOUT LISTEN TO ME. OH GOD PLEASE GIVE ME RESPECT. WHAT DOES THIS MAP SAY. KLDMASIFOSD FAIL FLAIL FAIL today was a great day she only punched me once fffft i love dominic --
skycatcher10. NEO GENESIS EVANGELION -- Asuka Soryuu Langley -- And if you've known me for 12 hours you know I love bossy girls, +1000 points if half of fandom hates/misinterprets them. She's a genius, she's a bitch, she's got dysfunction (h8 dolls, actin' adult, fixation with excellence) and hypocrisy and dasmdl BOSSY if a girl bosses around the main man she is a winner, I. Love. Asuka. --
dragonsquee I'm considering making this friends only since apparently there's a button I can use to make it aaa~aaaalll friends only and that'd be hot.
... back to packing I guess. 8|