THIS PIC pushes all sorts of buttons for me, because it matches a lot of what I thought happened off-screen in FMA's last episode, #51.... (And which makes me admire Rose even more.)
@ all above (so far): After everything, I always figured that Rose guided them all out...that, and I'm pretty sure I remember Ed asking Rose to take Wrath and go, the thought of her taking Al back not popping in because his whole plan to bring him back was sketchy/desperate to begin with. Thus, I respect and admire Rose more, because she has to bring back all these people, one too wounded to walk and one too young to walk--all of them, all the way up. AND in that dress. XP
(It's one of the many plotbunnies at the back of my mind, Rose POV on that trip home....)
Comments 4
Very nice piece of art-in-progress.
Yay for Rose! ^_______________^
(It's one of the many plotbunnies at the back of my mind, Rose POV on that trip home....)
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