the fullmetal alchemist
Title: A Thousand Emotions in Fifty Words Or Less, Part 2
Characters // Pairings: various // various
Rating // Warnings: G - PG13 // various
Canon: Fullmetal Alchemist
Wordcount: ???
Summary: PROFIT!!
i can't even look at myself in the mirror. )
Comments 2
1. Well, it's derived from French, where 'roi' means 'king'. And considering her name is /Madame/, she must know a bit. xD
2. xD Nah, he probably already found somebody else with super tits.
3. :3 Does you? xD Thank you Momma!
4. xDDD He's so fail.
5. xD; We know, right? We had this feeling like he'd do something like that. Especially cause she's his secretary and all.
6. o-o We know, right? xDD He doesn't need to worry! He's indestructible!
7. D: Does We?
8. xD; It's his automail surgery.
9. xD Totally, right?
10. o-o You think so? o-o This one's Kimbley and Riza.
11. xDD Aru will be okay. :3
12. xD Stupid Falman. xD Was it?
:333 Thank you Momma!
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