Ninth roll - video/action

Oct 24, 2011 00:17

[Today, have a confused conman on your screens!]

-- okay, there. So!... network ... here's a question. If anyone could fill me in, that'd be great. What's this "Halloween" thing I keep hearing about? Because the only other time I've heard that name was around this time last year and laaast year, there were monsters. Big ones. So, uh, if that's ( Read more... )

do not want, !olivine, !video, !ic, long time no see, !action, what is this, someone explain

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{Video} used_glare October 23 2011, 22:22:47 UTC
Halloween used to be a celebration of the spirits, sending them on to the afterlife, et cetera - but these days it's usually just an excuse to dress up in costumes, have a party, and eat a ridiculous amount of candy.

...what do you mean, monsters.


{Video} used_glare December 1 2011, 05:05:23 UTC
Really. Do go on.

{She makes it sound like the most interesting thing in the world.}


{Video} greatbigrock December 1 2011, 05:18:21 UTC
[Pff, but he can tell she's snarking, so he'll just wave it off.]

Come on, Nanao, I'm sure you know what it means.


{Video} used_glare December 1 2011, 05:25:08 UTC
Oh? Do I?

{C'mon Tulio, two can play at this game.}


{Video} greatbigrock December 9 2011, 03:33:30 UTC
Why, don't you?

[Yep, he can play. And he'll do it with his best hurr face while he's at it.]


{Video} used_glare December 12 2011, 03:18:52 UTC
And if I do?

{Resting her chin on her hand. She can do this allllll day.}


{Video} greatbigrock December 12 2011, 03:42:27 UTC
[He throws an arm out, point made, winning smile in place.]

Then there's really no need for me to go on, is there?


{Video} used_glare December 12 2011, 04:46:32 UTC
{She actually pouts a little.}

But what if I want you to?

{Pause. Rewind. Review.}


{Don't mind her, but she'll be going bright pink right now, because that was definitely not what she wanted to say!!! Obviously!!!}


{Video} greatbigrock December 12 2011, 05:22:51 UTC
[... :I what. What was that.]

[He just frowns a little at the feed, clearly thinking this over, because .. what... is she blushing? Weird.]

Hey, are ... you okay?


{Video} used_glare December 13 2011, 03:41:22 UTC
{Shhhh, shhh, they are only silly little romantic feelings that she will now proceed to stuff back into her heart!!}

{Oh god he noticed aaaah but she breathes deeply and presses her hands to her cheeks. Just... get a grip, Nanao.}

I'm fine!

{...considering how high-pitched and squeaky her voice is, Tulio can feel free to disregard her statement.}


{Video} greatbigrock December 14 2011, 13:49:22 UTC
[Oh boy, is he going to disregard it. Instead, he'll continue to just STARE at her.]

[You can probably see the gears turning inside his head, Nanao. But luckily for you they're not really getting to any conclusions yet.]

...riiight. Cause that squeak of yours is really convincing and all.


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