Challenge 301: Winning Prompt

Jan 03, 2014 19:44

We're beginning our FOURTH year as an active comm!  And so it's time for Challenge 301, which, as you know, is prompt you chose in Challenge 211.

Our prompt comes from dreamflower02:

Two characters meet a third, whom they both know, but in very different contexts. In fact he/she has different identities. What happens next?

The only other challenge guideline is that your story must be no shorter than 100 words.

As always, your story must adhere to the comm rules.  Your fic must be written for this challenge, and you can submit as many entries as you can write, provided they aren't in the same fandom.

Challenge 301 ends SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 at midnight in your time zone. Please ask for an extension if you want one -- I don't think we've ever denied one before!



Use a "challenge 301" tag, as well as any other applicable tags (author, fandom, characters, etc.) for your entries.

See THE COMM RULES for general posting guidelines.

Use the “!need tag” tag if you need an author tag (or any other kind of tag).

And most importantly, HAVE FUN! :-D

(And if you have any questions, feel free to ask!)

!mod post, challenge 301

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