Title: Fame
Author: litlover12
Rating: G
Fandoms: Singin' in the Rain
Characters: Lina Lamont, Don Lockwood
Word Count: 100
Summary: Fame isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Author's Note: For challenge 209. Set at the beginning of the movie.
“Isn’t this exciting, Donnie?” Lina’s squirming like a little kid in her seat across from him.
Don stares out the window as the limousine draws smoothly up to the curb. All those people, all the reporters, the flashbulbs, the microphones, waiting for . . . what? He catches sight of his own face and Lina’s, on a magazine clutched by a hyperventilating teenager. His airbrushed image looks dreamy-eyed and romantic and completely not the way he feels when Lina’s around.
He squirms a bit himself, inwardly.
“Yeah,” he says, flatly, as the limo door opens and the crowd erupts. “Exciting.”