Marvelous LJ authors, I love you guys. I do read stories in this community. And I do comment when I'm impressed by something. But... I'm almost never signed into this account when I read, and I'm usually too lazy to switch. If you've left feedback for me, I try to remember to sign "GG" or say "a.k.a.
great-gomerel," but it doesn't always happen. My personal LJ's profile has a link to this one, though, so if you receive a comment that's rambly and nerdy, go "Huh? Who is this crazy, inappropriately chatty freak?!", and click on my userinfo... you'll know it's me. Fair enough? :)
And a more general apology: I confess that I am woefully behind on my reading/reviewing. I've an absurdly long list of things to read/respond to by (a) authors I already know and love, (b) authors who've responded to my stuff, and (c) authors whose work just looks interesting or has been recommended to me by someone. I'm behind, because I'm trying not to flunk out of school. Also, because I'm a slow reviewer. I'm getting better at short responses, but I can still sometimes take as long as 45 minutes to think through a comment, if I'm properly moved. So sorry, and I am working on it. ♥