Title: Stealing Sunshine
Rating: G
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Summary: Nearly 4 years after No Matter the Miles
Disclaimer: haha...please. If I owned them, they'd so do it every chance they got.
A/N: This is a ficlet written for my gf,
capegrl. Her birthday is today. Happy Birthday, my love!
Chuck rubbed sleepy eyes as she entered the kitchen. She smiled over at her little sister, Claudia, before walking over to the cabinet. She’d grown so much in the last few months, she could now reach the top shelf. Grabbing a bowl, she poured herself a bowl of cereal and sat across from Claudia. She wondered who had given her sister breakfast since she didn’t see either of her mothers in sight, but shrugged as she took a bite of the fruity loops in her bowl.
“Good morning, Charlotte,” said her stepmother as she walked in, carrying her baby brother, Noah.
“’Mornin ‘Randa,” Chuck said, grinning over at the pair.
“Done, Mama,” Claudia declared, holding her spoon in the air.
Sitting Noah in his high chair, ‘Randa nodded. “All right, leave your plate there and go up to Mommy. She has your clothes ready. Charlotte can clear the table.”
“Aww man!” Chuck protested, but she was secretly thrilled. ‘Randa always picked her for the special jobs.
She watched as her stepmother prepared Noah’s baby food before sitting in a chair before him. Dropping her spoon, Chuck moved over to stand next her. She studied her brother’s tiny face and ran fingers through his curly, brown hair. He opened his mouth wide as ‘Randa brought the spoon close, slipping it into his mouth. He spit some of it back out and smiled brightly.
Chuck giggled. “He’s messy.”
“That he is.” ‘Randa smiled and Chuck thought she looked really pretty. She liked when it was just the two of them. Chuck always felt special.
“Mum said I was messy too.”
“I’m sure that is because you both take after her.” Winking, ‘Randa offered the infant another spoonful.
Chuck looked on for a few moments longer, laying her head on the older woman’s shoulder. “You’re good at taking care of babies.”
“I should hope so. I did have two of them…at the same time.” Noah made a grab for the spoon, but ‘Randa moved her hand. “Oh no you don’t, I don’t wish to wear strained pears two days in a row.”
“Were Caroline and Cassidy messy babies?” Chuck asked, sitting on ‘Randa’s free leg. She loved hearing stories about her big sisters.
“Caroline was. She used to stick her hand in the bowl and smear baby food all in her hair. Then she’d reach over and do the same to Cassidy. She really excelled at trying to get Cassidy in as much trouble as her if not more.”
“Did it work?”
“Not once. I always outsmarted her.” ‘Randa grinned the secret grin that she reserved only for Chuck and Chuck smiled in return. “There you go…that’s it Noah,” ‘Randa cooed at the baby. He giggled.
Throwing her arms around the older woman’s neck, she planted a kiss firm on her cheek. “Because you’re the smartest.”
“It’s about time someone recognized that. You might want to make a mention of that to your mother.”
“Mention what?” Her mother asked as she walked into the room.
“That ‘Randa’s the smartest person in the whole wide world.”
Her mother came over and kissed the top of her head and then Noah’s, stopping only to press a kiss to ‘Randa’s lips. “Normally I would disagree, but she did marry me after all.”
“I’m beginning to think that perhaps that was a result of temporary insanity.”
“Aww…honey is that your way of saying you’re crazy about me?”
“Or simply crazy.” ‘Randa said as she finished feeding Noah.
“Could be a result of last night…”
Chuck rolled her eyes as her parents made googly eyes at one another, but inside she was happy. ‘Randa made her Mum smile all of the time. She hoped someone would make her smile all of the time too someday.