DRABBLE: Bathtubs and Cold Showers

Apr 16, 2009 23:50

Title: Bathtubs and Cold Showers
Author: Teara or grdnofevrythng
Prompt: pillow
Rating: PG
Word Count: 195
Disclaimer: Not mine...I wish
Summary: If only murder weren't a crime...
A/N: I've decided to test the waters in this fandom again. We'll see how it goes. Thanks to sporkmetender for the tough love beta'ng.

There were some times when Brooke would give anything to murder Sam. Like the days when she hopped in the shower and there was no hot water. Or the time Sam left just enough milk in the carton to splash her cereal. Sometimes she would lie awake at night and think of the ways she’d suffocate her, holding the firm, Ralph Lauren covered pillow over her face, pushing harder as she struggled for air. Though then she wouldn’t get to watch those big, brown doe eyes go dull as the life drained out of her. Or maybe she could “accidentally” bumping the radio into the bathtub while she was soaking. Of course, that particular thought always led to the idea of a naked, wet Sam and well that always led to thoughts of other things she could do to the journalist in the tub that would torture and make her scream. And by the time she was through with her fantasy, she was not a little aroused and thanking the deities above that she had been “cursed” with the irritating brunette’s presence in her home. Maybe cold showers weren’t such a bad thing after all.

sambrookeisotp, drabble

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