omg i loved it. randa the purple dragon that was just too cute. i'm glad now miranda is realizing her feelings for andy. also who is chuck's dad? will we get the answer int he next update? update soon i love this fic can't wait for more
Ohhh, that was so good. I was very excited to see you had updated and so soon after the last chapter. I loved that Mirand is realizing that she has feelings for Andy. 'Randa and Chuck are so cute together. I love that Miranda took care of Chuck and didn't blink an eye when Chuck threw up on her shoes. I especially loved the dragon part at the end and that it showed where Chuck got her dragon from you future one shot. Thanks for the update and keep up the good work. I am looking forward to the next chapter and I hope to see it soon.
Oh what a way to start the weekend but with another wonderful update to this great story. Thank You. Once again Chuck just warms my heart, especially when she is with Miranda. Loved Nigels reaction to seeing Chuck. Looking forward to seeing how things progress now that Miranda realizes her feelings for Andrea. Can't wait for the next update, so please update soon. PLEASE, PLEASE :-)
Comments 47
This story continues to be lovely. Thank you. :)
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