Okay I've seen this done in several fic community, and I really liked it. So, I decided to do it.
The Devil Wears Prada Secret Santa Fic Exchange
And even thought it's called the fic exchange, I've decided not to limit it to fic because I know there are many talented people with other gifts.
**How it works
Step 1. Respond to this post with your wishlist form between November 9st - November 23rd at 11pm EST. Any type of created gift is acceptable to ask for: fanfic, banners, icons, wallpapers, videos, music mixes, etc. Commenting with a wishlist automatically means, that you will have to be a secret santa for someone else.
Step 2. In the last week of November you will be contacted and given the name of another member who also posted their wishlist. NOTE: Please do not reveal yourself to your Secret Santa. This will only ruin the surprise.
Step 3. Kick your creative booty into gear, and get cracking on making a "present" for your Secret Santa. Should you have any questions for your Secret Santa, please email me, and I will post the question for you. Satisfying the entire wishlist is not necessary. Any contribution will be appreciated by your Secret Santa.
Step 4. The big reveal. Gifts are to be posted between December 24th and January 3rd.
Step 5. If you are unable to complete your gift, please contact me. I will arrange a back-up gifter to complete your gift.
Step 6. After January 3rd, I will do a gift round up, and ensure that those who have not received their gifts are granted a back-up Santa, and in turn receive gifts.
Name/LJ username: Important we know this for tagging purposes.
Email address: So we know where to send you the information of your Secret Santa. If you prefer not to post it in public, please email it to me (with your LJ name) at maiacat523@yahoo.com
What I want: Be as specific as possible. Want a fanfic? Then make sure you state what kind and what characters you prefer. Want graphics? What kind.. what characters do you like? The more specific you are and the more you ask for, the better the odds that you'll get fabulous gifts that you've always wanted!
What I can do: What do you prefer creating? Fic, icons, graphics in general, videos? Help us give you an assignment you'll be comfortable with.
What I absolutely won't do: If there's a character, pairing, or genre you can't write, or if you think you'll only be able to make graphics, etc., say so here.
Anything Else: For any information that might not be covered by the above questions.
Are you willing to provide a backup contribution? Yes, no or maybe are all acceptable answers. While we may ask for back-up santa's, if you know you won't have the time please don't feel obliged to answer yes. If you're not sure, feel free to put maybe, and let me know definitely closer to the dates.
taken from
gossipgirlsanta and adapted.