May 06, 2009 23:08

A big, huge THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the "Grazie Prego Kiss Kiss" ficathon! Kita and I are so happy to see so many, wonderful Spangel stories. Some of you even wrote more than one! We give big hugs of gratitude to everyone who contributed.

51stcenturyfox wrote
adis723 wrote (delayed)
adoxerella wrote
alizarin_nyc wrote The Power of Now
apetslife wrote
bruttimabuoni wrote The Adventure of the Concealed Closet and The End
carlyinrome wrote
chrisleeoctaves wrote A Long, Strange Journey
clevermonikker wrote
crush3d_vi0lets wrote
dancinguniverse wrote
darklingdawns wrote Strangers in the Night, Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
elisi wrote The Immortal's (Sweet) Revenge, Part 1, Part 2
elizaria wrote
entrenous88 wrote (delayed)
essie007 wrote
evilmaniclaugh wrote
felisblanco wrote
fenderlove wrote Something Unexpected
girlpire wrote Angel's (Not So Much) Inner Monologue
heidishambles wrote
henriettaholden wrote Marsupial Blues and Great Balls of Spike
itsabigrock wrote
kellyhk wrote Thicker Than Water, Part 1, Part 2
kimmyjarl wrote Dressed Like a Human, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
kindredspirit75 wrote Our Special Place
kita and lynnenne wrote Excess Hollywood and Show and Tell
lafemmedarla wrote
lily_lovely wrote To Go On
millylicious wrote The Blame Game
mistletoe54 wrote
moscow_watcher wrote Lovers Unwalk
nero_nailpolish wrote
quirkytaverna wrote
redbrickrose wrote (delayed)
reveritas wrote Ten Summers
ruuger wrote (delayed)
seraphcelene wrote
snowpuppies wrote In the Bedroom and Bruised
st_salieri wrote (delayed)
stultiloquentia wrote
tabaqui wrote
thenyxie wrote
tkp wrote
wesleysgirl wrote All the Sky You Need

And to those of you who still haven't finished your fics... Spangel stories are ALWAYS welcome! \0/

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