[Sylar was pleased with the results. His left hand was still lifted in the air, pointed toward Tim to hold him there; his right still gleaned and fogged with cold. The killer took a step or two closer to his warden to hover nearer to him, to be able to see his face better and for Tim to see Sylar's. At the response about Batman, the inmate nearly rolled his eyes. Then paused as he realized Tim was telling the truth
( ... )
"Yes or no." [Tim's continually ambiguous answers which put the responsibility on his inmate irritated Sylar. He understood the idea, that if he killed someone he might lose them, but it was a hypothetical question and Tim could at least hazard a guess.] "Right now. If it were up to you."
If you thought you could withstand that urge, and understood the consequences if you didn't, then yeah, I'd let you keep them. You can't work through something you're not feeling - yeah, I agree with that. [He was as frustrated with Sylar wanting a straight answer as Sylar was with his ambiguity. Everything was circumstantial; everything depended on something else.]
[They seemed to have reached a standstill to some extent. The killer still wanted Tim to admit defeat, but it seemed awkward insisting upon it now, given that his warden had just shown him some trust. Or something like it. Instead of responding verbally, Sylar simply stared at Tim, his gaze even, waiting for the warden to make the next move.]
[He noticed Tim's stance and expression, glad that his warden seemed content not to attack him right now, even if they both knew the inmate would win. Sylar considered a moment, then responded honestly.] "I want to fight. To draw blood. I want my hands to be covered in blood.. it calms me in a way nothing else can."
Then we need to find something that'll work in place of that. [Because Tim wasn't going to tolerate that - whether he could win a fight right now or not.]
"We can't. Not soon enough." [He muttered in reply, looking down to his hands and flexing them again. They both began to glow a muted orange and he knew, something Tim might be able to read by a glimpse of expression, that the ability wasn't completely controlled when he was in a mood like this. Because in this mood, he wanted death. For himself or others. Destruction.
Forcing his hands back to a flesh color, holding them easily in front of him, he didn't say anything for a beat.]
No. [It was a test, in a way. He kept his eyes on Sylar, on his hands, careful of that glow. If he lost it...As far as he was aware, that was the exploding power, and if Sylar couldn't control that...Well. He'd have to see how this went.]
[Sylar closed his eyes for a moment. Opening them, he thrust his right hand into the air and shoved another blast of invisible force at Tim, intending to knock him back and to the ground. Then the killer turned to leave. He moved slow enough that his warden could easily stop him if it was Tim's intent, but the inmate was determined to get himself away from this situation before it became more than he wanted.
[It did knock Tim back, but he used the force, twisting further to hit the ground on his feet. He stayed there, crouched, watching Sylar. If he called him back, there'd be a fight. If he let him go...] Wait.
[The inmate paused at the word and turned a moment later, hand extended in the air between them. He was prepared for a fight if that's what his warden wanted, because he wasn't about to explain the control he was struggling with at the moment. The anger, the hunger. It hurt and burned with glory simultaneously. That was the best word: glory, for what he was feeling, for what he wanted. To be special.
Because he felt.. trained by waiting when he was told to wait, he offered to verbal response and instead just looked at Tim. Waiting for an explanation. Waiting for something worth staying for.]
Can you stay here and fight me without drawing blood? [It was a challenge, or a test, or something - but it was to keep Sylar here, where he couldn't hurt anyone else.]
[Sylar rolled his head into a sort of shrug like usual and then spontaneously lifted his hand into the space between them, trying to jerk Tim one way and then throw him the other to disorient him. He could certainly spare some time to use his abilities. And if he failed and drew blood? Well, he would still be winning in some way.]
So? Now what?
Forcing his hands back to a flesh color, holding them easily in front of him, he didn't say anything for a beat.]
"I want your permission to make you bleed."
Maybe he could go find someone else to kill.]
Because he felt.. trained by waiting when he was told to wait, he offered to verbal response and instead just looked at Tim. Waiting for an explanation. Waiting for something worth staying for.]
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