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Jan 25, 2015 20:05

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Comments 117

crazy_lil_angel February 22 2005, 21:33:51 UTC
Hey. I looked you up after spotting you in 27th_precint & then found you were a GW fan as well as a fellow FAKE & Grav fan (not to mention Eerie Queerie)! So do you mind if i put you on my fl?
(BTW, I recommend you check out Duoneko and Duonekophile. They are a GW RP & they're so good! There is also wu_manchu and invader_zechs who take part in it too)


gravi_girl123 February 22 2005, 23:19:28 UTC
Go right ahead <3, will add you back ^_^!

RP's sound cool, but I dunno how good I'll be. I tried once awhile ago, but wasn't too great at it. I don't know anymore though since that was maybe a year or two again. Will deff keep those two in mind if I look for a group to join :D


crazy_lil_angel February 23 2005, 17:48:47 UTC
It's not really a RP that you take part in, it's more one that you watch. There are the four of them & they take on the role of a gundam boy & use their journals to do so. It's really quite believable & sweet. I suggest taking a look. It's quite hard to describe.


gravi_girl123 February 23 2005, 21:37:33 UTC
:D That sounds really cool actually, will deff check it out.


braidedidiot March 6 2005, 04:22:57 UTC

Let me stay?


gravi_girl123 March 6 2005, 05:08:27 UTC
Psshh of course you are staying, you rock. This is more for people who come onto my journal who wish to add me :D


braidedidiot March 7 2005, 04:49:11 UTC
Ohhhhh... *drops like a rock*



plums_n_peaches March 7 2005, 20:46:04 UTC
Well...i'm british...i love keanu reeves currently ana...AGAIN! greatness in need of major anger management and a hug!!! *feeling fat*!!!, loving keanu reeves and about the jewish thing!! I REALLY DON'T GET IT!!! why are people so predjudiced against jewish peeps??? wat the fucks wrong with em?? they seem fine to me!!! i really am baffled as to why people would be horrible to em....(lol i have a jewish aunty in law she is sooo fucking cool i love her!!) anyways more to the point the whole Jewish stereotype of them talking the way they do and like the old jewish people....they ARE GREAT!! i'd love to be jewish..or have a jewish uncle...i'd learn so much...yeah anyway enough!
i'm off x x x x x
Louise .....plums_n_peaches


gravi_girl123 March 7 2005, 21:08:15 UTC
YOU'RE BRITISH??? I'm obsessed with British things XDD Books, movies, people/accents <333 I want to go to England and maybe even live there one day, which my mom encourages me to do since she is the same way and has been there and loves it. Do you watch Coupling, Office, Ab fab (you know, the ones that America is currently trying to butcher by making there own versions/the ones that are known over here.)

Jew fan in da house XDDD It's nice to meet someone who thinks Jews are cool lol.


plums_n_peaches March 7 2005, 22:07:16 UTC
lol, i hate england i don't get why everyone loves it so much.....france on the other hand! since i'm learning french @ school i think i mite aswell live there for about a year, just to make use of the language really...and coupling yeah that used to be on i did watch some programs of it....not so much the office...that kinda got on my nerves BUT AB FAB!!! BEST EVER!!!!
my favourite english comedies...... are ab fab,two pints of larger and a packet of crisps( duno y it's just the best ever!!!),i used to live father ted...but it got boring hmmm Graham norton...even though that was a tv chat show it was pretty hillarious i don't really like the one in america!

Fav american comedies
- Friends(obviously)
- i used to love will and Grace if that counts
- ermmm Sex and the city although that wasnt really comedy
eh i don't theres much comedy


plums_n_peaches March 7 2005, 23:31:21 UTC
AH i was just wondering?? when you get someone to post on your journal and for instance on keanu_reeves it has hit us by suprise how do you change it from the orignal "leave comment" to watever you want??


gravi_girl123 March 8 2005, 01:48:47 UTC
I have no idea, I've been wondering that for awhile myself. I suppose you're best bet is to look in the faq section.


foxygoddess March 12 2005, 20:40:31 UTC
Hiii! I went friends only a while back... cuz one of my so-called friends started talking about what i had written in school... in front of everyone... eek!
Oh yeah, you seemed cool so I decided to leave a comment. Mind if I add you as a friend?


gravi_girl123 March 12 2005, 20:44:15 UTC
That's exactly what I'm worried about happening to me. Sorry that happened to you ):

Sure thing ^_^ *adds you back*


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